Comments on: 2011 Glacier National Park Quarters Available CoinNews delivers the latest World and US coin news Tue, 05 Apr 2011 18:17:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mercury Tue, 05 Apr 2011 18:17:51 +0000 The question is, “who’s fooling who?” Has the US Mint really thought this program out to 2021? Since we all know that the face value of two rolls of quarters will always be a total of $20, and if we facture in the present state of deflation, and the purchase power of the dollar, these precursors alone stands to lessen the value of a quarter. And if we look into the future, taking into account all the other debilitating economic ventures that has and will further come about as a result of the miss management of our resources on every level, how may I ask, can the Mint realistically be able to continue to raise the premiums high enough during the next 10 year to cover the manufacturing cost of the $20.00 two roll quarter set and still give the john public the incentives to make that purchase. There’s an expression, “don’t throw good money at bad money.” It’s a curiosity in regards how people can gripe an moan about increase taxes and refuse to support health care initiatives, but are willing to throw there hard earn money into a program that is soon to become the equivalent of paying a voluntary head tax with no added benefits includes. So to fix this, what I see will be have to be done to save the National Park Quarter Program, is that the Mint will have to introduce these quarters into a National Parks Quarter Direct Ship Program so that everyone can afford to participate. I know our treasury department does not want to hear it, but unless something drastically happens between now and the next ten year, even their most die hard fans are going to find it hard to stomach forking out what will be $79.00 or more to buy your two rolls of quarters.
