Composed of 5 ounces of .999 fine silver, the United States Mint just released the 2018-P Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Uncirculated Five Ounce Silver Coin.

This large 3-inch coin, priced at $154.95, is issued as part of the U.S. Mint’s America the Beautiful Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin™ Program.
It offers a design emblematic of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore of Wisconsin, showcasing the lakeshore’s sea caves at Devils Island with the lighthouse in the background and a kayaker in the foreground. This is the same design as found on the recently released Apostle Islands quarter.

The image is the work of U.S. Mint AIP artist Richard Masters. Sculpting for the design was completed by U.S. Mint sculptor Renata Gordon.

As five ounce coins are companions to quarters, obverses (heads side) also bear an effigy of the first President of the United States George Washington.

A mintmark of ‘P’ also adorns 5-ounce coins indicating their production at the U.S. Mint facility in Philadelphia.

An edge inscription on each release includes the specifications of the coin: "999 FINE SILVER 5.0 OUNCE."
The 2018-P Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin may be ordered directly from the U.S. Mint from this product page or by calling 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).
No more than 20,000 will be sold, representing a 5,000 mintage reduction from 2017 issues.
Five Ounce Programs
In addition to these five ounce silver uncirculated coins and the associated quarter dollars, the U.S. Mint also produces a series of five ounce silver bullion coins in the America the Beautiful portfolio. These bullions coins are nearly identical to the uncirculated coins but do not have the ‘P’ mintmark despite also being produced in Philadelphia.

In addition, the bullion coins are not sold directly to the public by the U.S. Mint. Instead, they are sold through the Mint’s network of authorized purchasers for a small premium above the current spot price of the five ounces of silver they contain.
It’s reassuring to know that the government is solidly backing this $155 coin to the amount of 25 cents. No worries.
The sump creature…it’s (almost) alive! 😆
*ill deafinitly will get it’s wait in *silver, & collectabilty ; if there is one! But with 5000 less than last years it has a good shot:, just as long as they don’t force us into a buy back for a *25.cents, that would …………..>suck<! *I will bury my stash, & it wont be found, i*ll just be like my *mrs. when they ask where did my coin all go, & just like *my *thirty*year-bride, & can still speak about it; thank*s *god, in true *peg*bundy* fashion, *i spent it all, *grin, my wife must have a house in *malibo,… Read more »
Joe Brown, I’m so sorry to hear that what ordinarily just runs off your shoulders and down the drain to be forgotten (or at least momentarily sufficiently ignored) is instead taking, at least if and/or for [only] the moment, the form of a proverbial all-too-tightly-clinging monkey on your back. Thankfully the upside to this is that I’m more certain than not, and this from my own experience, that this errant chimp is more likely to give up long before you do, and in the end isn’t that all that really matters? As to the far less weighty – only 5… Read more »
Har dee har har. My comment received the -1 faster than any human could have read the text. Conclusion is as follows: the -1 was either registered kneejerk style by the one of the usual idiots with typically petty vindictive intent or the guilty clicker isn’t even human. On further thought, I do believe BOTH reasons apply. 😛 👿
And there’s a couple more lifeless mannequins making their soulless existence obvious….
Old Collector – I wish that was always the case, let everything run right off my shoulders, but i*m human, & will always be a work in progress!*smile. *I have a ?, for anyone! How many 90% silver, 25,cent pieces are there in a *five.oz, 999.3 silver *hockey*puck? At the top of my *head *i come up with 25-quarters! But i*m off the correct #, i’m pretty sure. :hmm:
Joe Brown,
That you consider yourself to be a work in progress does not in any way reflect upon any limitation of your character but is rather to the contrary a very auspicious sign of your continuing growth in comprehension. On the other hand, those who erroneously believe themselves at any point in their lives to have achieved what can only be described as a totally unrealistic level of completeness are quite likely instead to be engaged in an ongoing state of regression.
After reading the constant offensive comments by some who frequent this site, I thought I would post the definition of an Internet Troll. In Internet slang, a troll (/troÊŠl, trÉ’l/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll’s amusement. Administrators of any site have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure a safe and… Read more »
Yes, finally someone gets it! Comment from ME. There are so many other important issues in this world. We (coin collectors) are fortunate to buy any product from the US Mint. I see, everyday in the SF/Bay Area, a wealthy area — so many that can’t. People, come on now. Really folks? Put your thinking caps on now and think. If you don’t get it shut the fORk up and go away. Get off the site everyday, every comment and go do something worth while. Go help somebody!
Some Old Collectors and their pet mouse need to retire and enjoy the sunshine and dry + shut up. Direct your future comments to the US MINT. STOP making this site a dumping ground for your (fill in the blank). Thank you,
Yes, I posted it by ME.
Wow! I couldn’t have said it better myself. Get ready because Little Mouse, Old Timer and Joe Brown will surely go on the attack! They use this board as their personal stomping ground.I wish they would retire as well so we can just talk about coins and not the nonsense these three bring.
Read-All your blogs, you don’t really have much good to say! All can read them if they want, to *sea where you are from, be my guest & read all of mine’ the last *7 years, to *sea where i* am, & who*i*am, simply.*
Joe Brown,
It’s the only one that doesn’t know it’s a multiple non-personality psychopath.
*Seaing, that you went through the trouble, of changing who >U< were–on this site, you can*t be me*, just are me! So knowing that >UUUUUUuUUuU< want to *help someone, help FIRST, its that *simply, to give it all up* & let*it*be your *makers*+*will, & not-yours! Don’t hide behind a curtain, & change your blog-name to *me, >UUuuuUu< have much-power! *I am happy, to *sea our *mint* is starting to move forward. Smile*man* there still*time.
*i will write it all over in a while, *seaing every thing was played with! I*ll just do a better*job! Next*Time, 😈 😈 😎
it is to bad that you are >AFRAID< to let *me say *my*peace!*smile.
Joe Brown,
It is so afraid of exposing its ghastliness it hides behind its ugly demeanor.
Joe Brown,
It never got help for what made it this way so it will be miserable until it dies.
No ?. i*m guilty, i*ll do *my best to stick to the subject at matter! But it*s one of the few *amusement, so your *right about that! Just like my*mother always said, *i can be a-freaking -pain: in the ass! Only when *i want to *B*. Smile*! But the only nagative -mark that bothers me is on my *creidt report! Hey!!! if *U* got anything else* better for *me to do, *i just *might give it a *go! But not jump off a bridge, with no *water under it, if that’s what you are going to say! But *i am… Read more »
You tell him, Joe Brown!
But why do you put those freaking *********’s everywhere??? Makes your posts unreadable.
Well, if you can*t read between the *’s, then you must have trouble reading coins & reading people. *I *sea you have no name >gray lomax<, just 13 *'s! WHY? You do know, that *anyone now can go all the way back to our *very*first*blog, & *read all that we *wrote over the years! You don't seem to be very aware of where you are, *i hope you may find your self,someday!
Joe Brown,
It’s clearly getting more anxious, frightened and insecure by the moment, so it’s adopting ever more useless disguises as a desperation tactic. It’s falling apart.
CoinLaw Troll = Milhouse Troll
It comes in many guises, but it fools no one.
Joe Brown & Mouse, Two things I just noticed that I definitely want to bring to your attention: The -4 that was given by our legitimate site members to the CoinLaw Troll’s comment suddenly went back up to a -2, meaning a couple of the Invisible Obsessive Minus Trolls that infest this site have struck again to lessen the point damage to their Malignant Leader’s remarks. The +1 that I just gave to you, Joe – and as I look back all the +1s I’ve given to you, Joe, and to you also, Mouse, ( and to Seth and Munzen… Read more »
you never know! *i don’t put anything past her no more! Just could be someone close to me*, & the -negative-INABEL group, she thumb talks with all morning noon & night, *i know my old love, gets enjoyment pushing negative-things, at first-chance! Just as long as i*m being read, then its all *good with *me! It’s no contest, no one loses or wins, if we get the most, – or +’s! Now that would be a different story! Lets, let it be! There will be an answer, someday!*smile.
Joe Brown,
You may have noticed that at my age I do not suffer fools lightly, and the likes of Mildew/Miltown/Milquetoast and his ilk, the entire Naysaying Nabobs of Negativity crowd, are just so much abhorrent noise to my ears and sensibilities. That being said I understand your position of letting things be as they may, and I think I can even find my way to embracing that as my own. Easy Does It. Namaste.
*I under*stand where your coming from! But this is for *all readers of *,! All of you should know by now, that you can all* go back to your very first posting, if *i can do it than you all can! So if you want to do your home*work, & compare notes, of who is saying what & why, but you do need some *good*cent*s! Because this is getting no where! But *all of you, *please do your home*work, & compare notes! It*s that simply, so lets *try & keep it simply! Life* is simply*, if *you know it or… Read more »
Amen, brother.
What’s the matter, Mildew; can’t handle a return dose of your own smelly crap?
The Minus Three Stooges with a -1 I.Q. each; just perfect. 😛 :envy: :silly:
Fellas; I think you are all taking this WAY to personally. +1, -3 whatever! Who cares already? There are jokers everywhere. Lets get back to the juicy coin in topic. Now round about a year ago I commented that I thought this coin was mediocre. I felt that the “gentle-person” in the “YACHT” looked out of proportion and there wasn’t much depth. Well here we have the real thing. I still feel that way and am also $154.00 poorer. When will I ever learn? And what happened to this coin site comment page? It has taken me nearly a month… Read more »
J Peter, It looks as though I’m not the only one who shares your sentiments. We have 3 clowns on this board who have basically hijacked the site for their own amusement. I sure wish we could get back to discussing coins but I won’t hold my breath. These three clown are relentless. On the ATB 5 oz coins. I purchased the first year only when they we’re $279 each. That price makes the $154 seem like pocket change. Even at $154 I just can bring myself to drop that kind of cash for 5 oz of silver. Although the… Read more »
Amen JP!
I think there are 21 islands that make up this area & they had to pick “Devil’s Island” for this coin!? lol
I think it would be best to just do away with “+” and “-” so we can all stay on the subject at hand which is our hobby of collecting coins and not adding or collecting “+ and “-” and that is just my thought and opinion on that.
I agree. I don’t see the point of showing a cumulative point total. If you disagree with what someone says, post a contrary comment. The +/- doesn’t add (get it?) anything.
Hi Larry,
The problem with posting a contrary comment is that the three clowns (Little Mouse, Old Timer, and Brown Town) are relentless and will attack the moment you contradict, or god for bid, have your own opinion that is different than theirs or actually makes sense.
The only hope is that the site takes note of all the negatives and actually does something to curb the actions and nonsenses of the above 3 mentioned.
One can only hope!
Millhouse – If this site puts up with your race comments, no matter how you twist & turn it, anybody with *good since knows where your coming from, stick your head up your ass, if in need of >HELP< *i will give you a hand, so you can *sea Brown*Town! Let *me know where and when, ok-chump, your a dope, so there's no hope hope. 😈 😎
Larry Schmitt,
You’re absolutely right.
Amen to that.
OK, Can someone explain to me what has happened to this blog site? First the format seems to have changed. It took 48 hours for me to have my comment “approved”, and on another comment re; Kareem Abdul- Jabbar it took 8 DAYS to have that one “approved” ! What in tar nation is going on with this site? Who is “approving” these comments and why does this take 48 hrs to 8 days? Also, it took me nearly a month to figure out how to get back onto this site to be able to even submit a comment? I’m… Read more »
I agree with you. I also had a problem with posting comments and I also had to change my user name AND my email address.
The newer commenting system requires new user names. It’s unfortunate — sorry, but we missed that fact before the switch. We’ll talk a bit more about the new system in an upcoming newsletter.
Also, as an FYI, recently I’ve been forced to heavily moderate a few existing users due to comments containing: vulgar language, accusations against others, lines upon lines upon lines of writing that didn’t relate at all to numismatics, and the like.
Mike, Thanks for the reply. Most appreciated. I’m not sure why there was a need to change anything, but it’s your site, you can do what you like. We all tend to get off topic at times I get that. I try to stay on topic but mix in some humor. I don’t take life that seriously. It’s tough trying to monitor speech here, but at the same time you hate to have things hijacked and have everyone who values this site , just walk away as I almost did(not that I contribute any real meaningful sage advice). Thanks ,… Read more »
Hello Joera,
Glad to see I was not the only one who had trouble navigating the changes to this site. I wonder why this was even necessary?
I just got a reply from Mike Unser, maybe you are able to read it.
J Peter –
Fair criticisms for sure about what you have experienced here. This coin blog website is family-owned by Mike Unser & his wife Rhonda (Kay) Unser & his brother Darrin Lee Unser contributes. It is a part-time hobby for them as they all have full-time jobs not related to numismatics. They are based in San Antonio, Texas. They are all just coin collector hobbyists like most of us but Mike is a computer expert. I hope Mike Unser responds to your inquiry.
Happy Collecting!
Thanks Seth, For keeping some sanity here on this site and for explaining to me about the coin site itself. I had no idea who ran this or how it was done. I’m not sure why they changed things especially with no notice (at least that I saw). I thought it was all fine, but what do I know; it only took me a month to figure out how to get my posts back on. (I had to have my daughter do that for me) otherwise I would still be locked out. Hopefully the Unser’s will look at the nonsense… Read more »
J Peter, By way of explanation, prior to the introduction of the plus/minus function the Trolls had to at least come out of the woodwork and make themselves known by going so far as to actually post a comment; now they can just strafe the site with as many -1s as they desire and be on their merry anonymous way. Incidentally, to make matters even worse, any plus rating registered here can be erased by a matching minus vote, and since the Trolls far outnumber the legitimate site members any participant in our ongoing discussions can all too easily end… Read more »
Thanks, Seth,
He just did…
Wow. What is going on here?
Where are the comments on coin collecting?