Comments on: 2017 Ellis Island Quarters Released CoinNews delivers the latest World and US coin news Sat, 09 Sep 2017 23:09:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ross Johnson Sat, 09 Sep 2017 23:09:27 +0000 Oh, say, can you see,
near by Liberty’s light,
What a one armed boy holds,
that he’s gallently waving,

Whose broad stripes and blank square,
seem amiss at first sight,
O’er the coin our eyes strain,
but no stars are there gleaming,

But the artists suggest,
that less detail is best,
Yet I wish and declare,
that our flag was still there!

Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave?
O’er the coin it’s not to be,
so this one I won’t save!
