Comments on: 2016 Ronald Reagan Coin & Chronicles Set Images Unveiled CoinNews delivers the latest World and US coin news Thu, 03 Nov 2016 03:09:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul McNally Thu, 03 Nov 2016 03:09:29 +0000 The idea of selling our surplus silver had been discussed since the 70s. Reagan wanted to take action on doing this in late 1981 and over the years they came up with the American Silver Eagle. So not only did Reagan sign the bill that made the coin, law and the first coins were minted on November 24th, 1986, it was his impetus that made it so. I think the set is genius.

By: Rich Sun, 09 Oct 2016 20:40:47 +0000 Is the reverse proof Reagan dollar unique to this chronicle set?

By: jay delaro Thu, 06 Oct 2016 14:50:26 +0000 I have to agree about the mintage being too high, however I do like the Silver Eagle proof in the set, now I just have to buy this last C&C set to go with my others and I don’t have to buy a separate anniversary proof eagle. I don’t really collect proof eagles but I do have all the anniversary silver eagle sets, so I figured I should have this anniversary eagle. I do collect the uncirculated silver eagles with W mint mark and am waiting for those to go on sale, this is the latest those have gone on sale since their release, maybe they will have a nice low mintage coming out so late in the year…Cheers!

By: Whistler Wed, 05 Oct 2016 18:31:35 +0000 150k W0W…NANCY was a sell sell, Ronnie will do better but this is not a item the flippers etc., will like, too many, will be on sale for a bit of time….The MINT needed to include a package of Jelly Bellies TM…now that would sell out!! maybe…..or a Raygun stamp with a Jelly BEan flavored gum…yumy

By: michael Wed, 05 Oct 2016 16:07:22 +0000 i hope there are opportunities to sell these for $50 margin!

By: Dennis Mon, 03 Oct 2016 03:03:18 +0000 It’s a damn shame that the flippers won’t be able to make so much money on EBay on this one… I would like to see the mint charge $1000 for the extremely low mintage sets. They might as well make some money on the sets… At least with 150,000 of them, maybe the shopping networks won’t have enough people to get half of the issue .

By: Steveo Sun, 02 Oct 2016 20:01:00 +0000 You’re already getting a reverse proof coin. Why should you get an enhanced silver eagle? Don’t get greedy. Although, I’d prefer a silver medal to stay consistent with the previous sets.

By: vadim Sat, 01 Oct 2016 21:56:22 +0000 Chris-

I wasn’t aware of this but thanks to Mike Unser’s earlier article on this set I know why USMint decided to include silver eagle. On July 9 1985 Reagan signed Liberty Coin Act which authorized the series of 1-ounce, .999 fine silver coins. I wish they could’ve included a reverse proof or burnished eagle.

By: jerry in jersey Sat, 01 Oct 2016 14:28:58 +0000 150,000 sets! WOW! As usual, the mint spoils everything by getting greedy.
They should have kept the 50,000 set total as for the JFK set. No rush to buy this necessary. It will probably take a long time to sell out, just like the gold liberty centennial quarter.

By: Chris Sat, 01 Oct 2016 13:59:09 +0000 I don’t think the 150,000 mintage is high, considering the reverse proof dollar, so I would not take a relaxed stance on this. It will sell out for that reason alone. I do agree with the poster who complained that there is no silver medal. A silver version the the Reagan inaugural medal would have looked great. Very disappointed that they are going with the silver liberty instead. What does that have to do with Reagan, other than it was first issued during his presidency? Is there not enough time to change this before it goes on sale?
