Comments on: NCIC Tip Leads to Arrests in the Rob Gronkowski Break-in During Super Bowl CoinNews delivers the latest World and US coin news Wed, 04 Apr 2018 07:19:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe+Brown Wed, 04 Apr 2018 07:19:25 +0000 In reply to Old+Collector.

With out a ?, he is! I* would not like to *sea the big boy leave! Just yesterday on *ESPN or one the *sport stations, not sure! The *Master*Mind of thee*team, was some what uneasy with Mr*Gronkowski, pretty much what *i mentioned the day before, to much show! That’s what *i made of it anyway, & he does know how to make capital on him self,smile*, just might be getting a little bit careless! I* really hope he can correct himself, the *master*mind knows more than we do, he don*t care how *good you are, if you rub the company code the wrong way! Gronk*Man will be packing his bandanna* & tie it to a long wooden stick, heading to *hobo *junction to catch a rail car out of town! BB* will make it work one way or another, he*s freaking good*man!*SMILE*

By: Old+Collector Wed, 04 Apr 2018 02:22:04 +0000 In reply to sam+tweedy.

O.k., I’ll grant you that he is a bit goofy at times, but he’s still the best tight end in the NFL and he just happens to save every cent he earns for the future. “Doofus”, I submit, might not really apply here. :mrgreen:

By: Mouse Tue, 03 Apr 2018 19:05:02 +0000 In reply to Robert+Richardson.

Great idea to do. I have all my slabbed coin serial numbers saved electronically as well as photographs of all slabbed and non slabbed coins for insurance purposes…and for the police as well if required. Having coins registered with a slabbing company is a good idea as to, if that is your thing.


By: Joe+Brown Tue, 03 Apr 2018 18:21:03 +0000 In reply to sam+tweedy.

so *i take it, you mean! People from *Amherst, New York, do not have a lot upstairs, just crawl space; i* was not aware! To me! Grongowski* hangs his ass out there way to much, it looks like its starting to get the better of him, he needs to eat some humble*pie soon!

By: sam+tweedy Mon, 02 Apr 2018 15:03:35 +0000 In reply to Joe+Brown.

A bit of a boob?? how about Major “DOOFUS” lol from Amherst N Y. Not a lot upstairs, if you know what I mean! lol

By: Robert+Richardson Sat, 31 Mar 2018 23:42:13 +0000 Great to hear the coins were found. I just have a few coins. But I do have a couple of slabbed coins. Never thought to record the serial numbers on my inventory list that I keep in a separate place.

By: Joe+Brown Sat, 31 Mar 2018 00:38:41 +0000 *I love nothing more than *Gronk* being on 100*yard turf knock down & dragging & a few dodges* here & there,of would be defenders,*smile! Plus the good*stuff he does of the turf! But a bit of a boob, & an accident waiting to happen if not careful* one these days off field, the company you keep, spreads to the company they keep! Come on wake up *man! more than likely a friend of a friend who knew that friend that’s friends with those friends, there all good friends tho! :hmm: 😈 👿 ❗ ,*hats off *NCIC*, my* *pd*, if not a kiss*ass, would say! Be more careful next time, Wipe their hands clean, done job! But make sure you come to a complete stop at a stop*sign on some side street with no autos & people in sight no where, because you will pay, so they keep getting paid,even tho *i already pay,so to speak! Don’t *sea to much *carrotter out there they don*t kid*me! 😈 :shutmouth: 🙁 😕

By: Seth+Riesling Fri, 30 Mar 2018 21:15:05 +0000 Old Collector & Mouse –

Well said gentlemen! & Amen for such great law enforcement cooperation with the numismatic community.


By: Mouse Fri, 30 Mar 2018 20:22:31 +0000 What an awesome coin community. I am very glad that the thief’s were caught / not smart enough to take the coins out of the slabs / send them in to be graded / re-sell them on the open market, as I am sure they were big money coins.

Another plus for having coins slabbed.


By: Old+Collector Fri, 30 Mar 2018 18:41:55 +0000 This is amazing! As a long-time Massachusetts resident, avid coin collector, and fervent Patriots and Gronk fan, I could not be more pleased than to hear that it was only through the admirable initiative and persistent efforts of our very own NCIC that the robbers of the Gronkowski household were in fact so quickly but rather surprisingly apprehended. To think of it; if those two stolen proof dollars had not been involved as part of the loot in this crime, the NCIC would not have had any cause or reason to go into action and this crucial lead for the police would simply not have existed to be so very successfully followed up on. The moral of this story is that if you’re going to get broken into, make sure at least some of your coins are slabbed, as identification apparently is everything! 😉
