Only two of six coins remain from the U.S. Mint’s collection of products which mark the 100th anniversary of the transition from Morgan dollars to Peace dollars. The four earlier centennial dollars sold out within minutes of their release.

Beginning at Noon ET, the U.S. Mint will offer the 2021 Morgan Silver Dollar and the 2021 Peace Silver Dollar. Both 99.9% pure silver coins are struck at the Mint’s facility in Philadelphia, but do not bear any mintmark as was common at the time of their historical counterparts.
Product limits of just 175,000 Morgans and 200,000 Peace dollars have been established, each with a household order limit of three. They are $85 apiece, which is the same price as each of the four dollars which preceded them.
Those four included the 2021 Morgan Silver Dollar with a CC (Carson City) Privy Mark and the 2021 Morgan Silver Dollar with an O (New Orleans) Privy Mark. They made their pre-order debut in May with a household order limit of ten apiece. Their launch, however, was fraught with issues as the Mint’s website was slammed with traffic making it difficult and in cases impossible for customers to place an order.
Acknowledging the issue, the Mint postponed the release of several products, including the four remaining centennial strikes, to allow time for it to implement a solution. Following new safeguards, the 2021-D Morgan Silver Dollar and the 2021-S Morgan Silver Dollar opened last week for pre-orders with a lower household order limit of three each. The Mint’s changes appeared to have helped, although many still experienced issues as they tried to make their purchases. Both coins lasted less than thirty minutes.
2021 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollar Designs
Like the earlier four dollars, today’s coins are authorized under Public Law 116-286, the 1921 Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act, which requires each to feature designs similar to those on their historical predecessors. To accomplish the job, the Mint used century-plus old assets coupled with modern technology to recreate the long-favored images.
This includes the Morgan design as created by U.S. Mint Chief Engraver George T. Morgan for dollars from 1878 to 1904, and 1921. The obverse (heads side) of the Morgan offers Lady Liberty in profile with a cap, flora, and a crown incused with the word "LIBERTY," while 13 stars, "E PLURIBUS UNUM," and the date of issuance encircle her.

The reverse (tails side) of the Morgan dollar depicts a heraldic eagle with outstretched wings clasping arrows and an olive branch, accompanied by a wreath. Reverse inscriptions include "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "IN GOD WE TRUST" and "ONE DOLLAR."
Renowned Italian American Sculptor Anthony de Francisci created the designs found on the Peace Dollar which originally ran from 1921 to 1935. The obverse has Liberty in profile with a radiant crown on her head. Inscriptions include "LIBERTY," "IN GOD WE TRUST," and the year of issuance.

Reverses depict an eagle at rest holding an olive branch above the inscription "PEACE." Additional inscriptions include "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "E PLURIBUS UNUM," and "ONE DOLLAR."
Coin Specifications
Denomination: | $1 |
Finish: | Uncirculated |
Composition: | 99.9% Silver |
Silver Weight: | 0.858 troy oz. |
Diameter: | 1.500 inches (38.10 mm) |
Edge: | Reeded |
Mint and Mint Mark: | Philadelphia (no mintmark) |
Pre-ordering and Shipping
Pre-order the coins directly from the U.S. Mint’s online store at 2021 Morgan Dollar and 2021 Peace Dollar.
Credit card information will be verified by the Mint at the time a pre-order is made, but the actual charge will not occur until the shipment of the coins in October. This makes it very important for customers to always keep their credit card information on account with the Mint current.
Each dollar arrives within a United States Mint black box, with an outer sleeve adorned with an image of the coin obverse and accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity.
Had all the information in and recently bought several coins. Put the coins in the Bag at 1200.15 and tried unsuccessfully for 30 minutes to purchase. Finally got the these coins are no longer available notice and filled out the mints online survey that they asked me to fill out prior to purchase. Needless to say I wasn’t in the mood to fill out a glowing review. I’m so sick of the “page does not exist” notification that I had to look at 37 times after I clicked the “place order” button. I’m not sure what the fix is but… Read more »
I totally feel your pain, After the 1st debacle with the sale of the Morgans, the mint stated they were updating their website on the second set it was no better, and just like yourself I had them in my bag and could not complete the sale. I contacted the mint but they just went into full denial, The US mint is full of crap.
“She Works Hard for the Money” – Donna Summer…the late, great “Queen of Disco” also known as Frau Donna Sommer, as she married a German man. She spoke fluent German & later found G-D & became a born-again Christian ashamed of her early, sexy, erotic etc. songs & performances in concert (especially at Studio 54 in NYC).
I worked hard for this money & got 2 Peace dollars & 1 Morgan today, with only 3 “Gateway Time-Out” errors. But it took about 20 minutes. Hope you were also able to get in on these if that was your goal.
I dont get it, did you not want all 6 today? Why does it sound like people are doing separate orders? It works a lot easier if you place everything in the cart at once rather than going back and forth. What am I missing, is it a credit card issue?
Jake – I tried for 3 of each coins today, since I missed getting the “O”privy mark coin. Too many things going on the screen when attempting to input an order online lately is distracting. So I take what I input & sometimes hit a wrong button. Confession: I have had fairly serious OCD since childhood, that went undiagnosed & untreated for many years. It is due in part, the experts tell me, to a major earthquake in Japan in 1968 that my family of 4 at the time experienced (plus our young Japanese maid who was like a second… Read more »
Seth, as Ron Simmons would say, “DAMN.” Or as I like to say, “I see said the blind man… as he picked up his hammer and saw.” Thanks for sharing your story. I can better appreciate Earthshaker, one of the best Japanese heavy metal bands from long ago. BTW, I am OC and AR. Wish you the best…
Thanks Rich…& I wish you the best of good mental health also.
Thanks so much for sharing & caring Kaiser! Having a hobby in common with collectors of such diverse backgrounds & life experiences is comforting for sure.
Same best overall health wishes for you to…That wall poster in your pic, with the wise advice, should be required in all schools & workplaces…
Mazel Tov, Kaiser! Glad you were successful in the end of another strange day of U.S. Mint website madness… I wasn’t able to get an “O” privy mark coin in my cart on that order date, but I got some of all the other 5 options during the three offering days, so I consider myself very lucky. Hopefully I can trade an extra 2021 Morgan $1 when they arrive in Oct./Nov. for the “O” one & be “complete” in this endeavor. Or, I’ll buy an “O” on the secondary market from a trusted dealer if the price is right. “Come… Read more »
I was logged onto the US Mint website at 11:55am. At 12:00 I placed orders for two Morgans and two Peace dollars. When I went to confirm the order, I received a pop-up which stated that the page I was looking for had been deleted or moved. I tried ordering a number of times, always with the same result. The last time I tried to order resulted in ‘Product not available.’ This also happened to me with the first release of the CC and O minted Morgan’s. I was fortunate to order the S and D mint mark Morgan’s. After… Read more »
The US Mints website was upgraded by Micky Mouse, I had the same problem, and when I contacted the US Mint they went full denial.
I got on the site just before noon, waited for “remind me” button to change to “add to bag” and I got a Peace Dollar. Then proceeded through the checkout process, added CC info then final step was press and hold a Java script button to prove I’m not a BOT, never got off that page, tried several times, never went through. Oh well. Just wasn’t meant to be I guess.
I went on U.S.Mint site to pre order these coins and they never contacted me, as they were supposed to, RIP off.
Oh know, I missed the latest “CIRCUS” I was stuck in the privy!!! I guess I will have to go to Mike Mezack and try to find a Great Deal !!!! Understand !!!!
Got the gateway error, this page moved or deleted message. This after numerous times of trying to get a Morgan. Said let me try for a Peace dollar. More of the same errors. Okay then,I’ll break the Morgan from my cart and try just for a Peace dollar. Figured by now they were out of Morgan’s and keeping me from getting a Peace. So I hit refresh to try again for just a Peace dollar this time and it came up on my order confirmation that was listing both Morgan and Peace dollars??? Don’t understand this but am not gonna… Read more »
I got 3 of each yesterday and was checked by 1202pm. very quick and smooth this time.
Same thing for me but wasn’t so lucky on the other 2 releases. Did fine on the proofs and yesterday now lets do it all over again tomorrow lol, I will only go for 1 maybe 2 since i did get 2 Ws. I’m eyeing the reverse proof set also! The mint put out some good stuff this year, no doubt!
Thank You
Greetings fellow collectors. I am new here and thought I would chime in. I think I managed to secure 3 each of the Morgan D, S, P and Peace dollars and got confirmation numbers but until I have them in my hands, I won’t consider it a done deal as these were my first attempts at purchasing anything directly from the mint. It was not smooth process at all for me as both times I had real difficulty checking out. It kept telling me it was something like a “bad gateway”. After what seemed like 6 or 7 attempts they… Read more »
Thank you for the warm welcome. After reading all the comments I realize now just how lucky I was. Perhaps persistence helps and a bit of beginners luck. I don’t really know but I will appreciate them even more knowing the difficulties most folks had.
I see that you can buy a complete set of these Morgans/Peace Dollars on eBay for $3400 (all NGC MS70.) NGC MS70 graded individual coins are selling (ask price) for $750 plus. I can’t wait to see what these coins will be ‘offered’ for on HSN, The Coin Vault, and elsewhere.
Received my second ‘confirmation’ notice from the Mint for my 3 Philadelphia minted Morgans this morning.
MIKE RIPOFF MIZOSKI or whatever his name is is going to have a field day with these, he will.come.out $499.95 per morgan p d s $599.95 for the CC and peace if not more! Its incredible what he does and the words he uses on there to reel you in! Thanks for ur comments
Sir Kaiser and Silver “Sitting” Bull, I like the nickname Jasper for for Mike M.
Finally got the order confirmation email late last night and all looks good. However, just for fun, I looked at the order info in my account and see the following:
Peace 2021 Silver Dollar
Qty 3
Total: 85.0000
Items (0) Subtotal: 0.00
Shipping & Handling: 4.95
Order Total: 4.95
Payment Methods
Amount: $259.95
Hopefully, it gets corrected at some point and the shipping charge is removed (loyalty program)
I was wondering if anyone else sees the same thing.
Yes. I have this for all 3 orders of Morgan/Peace dollars. It seems like the online order info under your account gets updated about the same time that a coin order goes to “BACKORDER” status. For some reason, the “Order Total” goes to the shipping change only, and the cost of the 3 items purchased is not included in the “Order Total”. I have concluded that this is because the coins are not in stock yet, so they cannot be sent out. We’ll see.
I purchase many thousands of dollars of product from the US Mint each year, and get emails congratulating me to the loyalty program with free shipping. The problem is, that is only for domestic postage … as I am an International customer, the shipping charges are expensive, and you pay an uplift for each additional coin.
My total shipping costs for 6 coins was $35.60 … even though I am a “loyal customer”, and would be entitled to free shipping inside the US.
Gift Box/Wrapping:$0.00
Shipping & Handling:$35.60
Order Total:$545.60
Fair point. RAMint. What is the cost of Domestic and International Shipping? The cost for domestic deliveries for orders below $350 is $10. Shipping for domestic orders $350 and over is free of charge. The cost of international shipping is a flat rate of $35. so there is no loyalty program even for domestic, though for any order, if you go over $250USD per transaction it is free post. International is capped at $25USD, which hurts small transactions (but beats paying a per unit surcharge). That said, international customers receive a 10% discount on price due to them not being… Read more »
LOL, just realised that as long as you spend more than $250USD in one transaction at the Royal Australian Mint, it is cheaper to be an international customer, than buying local (due to local taxes being more than the international shipping fees).
I managed to get both Morgan P mint mark and Peace dollar 3 each. The confirmation email I received at 6:04AM CST since I was driving to the World Fair of Money in Chicago says 3 Morgan dollars, 3 Morgan dollars, and 3 peace dollars total of $255 each then the total says $510. I got the free shipping though. So $255 difference. But on the screenshot it shows 3 of each. I was successful on all 6 coins : ).
Received confirmation of 3 ea from yesterday’s circus @ 0930 this am. That means I’ve got a complete set of…confirmations. We’ll see around Thanksgiving. Also received an email saying another order, with diff order #, could not be filled at this time & to contact customer service within 48hrs or it will be canceled. So, I guess hammering away at checkout for 25 mins created this additional mystery order (that I didn’t know existed & was never acknowledged by email). Might explain some of the inflated #’s re total orders discussed yesterday. Hard for me to believe this was a… Read more »
Thanks Kaiser.
I had to wipe my phone off after spitting a little laughing reading that after taking a drink.
A lot of people react that way when he takes a lecturn at those Dean Martin celebrity roasts. Even Foster Brooks can’t keep his drink down.
Hedging my bets and expecting Mint website problems, I enlisted the help of family & friends. Remarkably, and despite all of us encountering multiple roadblocks, three out of the four of us were successful in getting an order through.
The inconsistencies in folk’s ordering experiences are quite striking, as well as when the confirmation emails arrived:
Person #1: 8:27 p.m.
Person #2: 4:43 a.m.
Person #3: 7:35 a.m.
So I will wind up with 9 Peace Dollars. Hoping to make some trades in order to complete a couple of sets, since I missed out on the Morgan ‘O.’
Everything is true here but one thing
..the mint did TAKE THE MONEY OUT OF THE BANK this time.
Which I personally am happy they did. I hate pending charges. Thanks. Good luck on completing or getting the coin(s) for your set(s).
Did anyone else have this happen to them? I received a confirmation email and then an email notifying me: PRODUCT UPDATE: CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER Unfortunately, we are not able to fulfill it at this time. Please call our Customer Service Center at your earliest convenience at 1-800-872-6468.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If we do not hear from you within 48 hours, we will automatically cancel your order. This is to protect you against any fraudulent activity on your account. Can’t get through to the Customer Service Center as it’s too busy. I suppose a lot of other… Read more »
Yes, I did. Mentioned similar earlier. Check your confirmed email order # vs order # on what they say can’t be filled. I suspect they’re diff like mine.
Thank you. It’s for a different order I made. I’d received a confirmation and now I have to call them to ensure my order gets fulfilled. I wonder how tomorrow’s offering for the S ASE will go. As long as I receive the Peace Dollar is what coin I really value. The others are to just have for my collection. Lol, since the program began in 1986. I don’t even look at them. I’m wondering if all this trouble is worth it.
I just did the math, about 70 ounces of silver. I’m sitting on a silver mine!
I would def call the mint if they are saying they can’t fulfill a confirmed order that you had. Plus the 48 hr deadline to boot. If that’s the case, confirmations mean as little as I suspected. I’m not counting chickens until coins arrive.
In my case, the order # they say that couldn’t be filled did not match any order # I have outstanding. No idea whatsoever what the # they gave me refers to.
Still unable to get through on the Mint phone number. I’m frustrated and think maybe they over fulfilled orders/to produce and are culling their numbers. Approved dealers will always have their orders filled and the better quality coins, MS70 and PF70 coins (first/early issue). The business of government is business.
yeah, i got a similar email for a different order. been trying periodically today via phone and chat, no answer either way. i sent an email but i am doubtful they will read it within 48 hours.
at least they could do is extend the 48 hour time frame if they can’t answer the phone.
Finally got my confirm email.. 2 of them for same order number…darn i thought i lucked out…5am this morn
I was able to get the Peace Dollar yesterday and the CC Morgan – the only two I wanted.
As usual I had to try for about 30 minutes yesterday before I got a confirmation number and the the email today.
I don’t think the Mint fixed anything on their website. Whoever they hired to build their site should be embarrassed and removed from all future government contracts.
Government policy, lowest bidder gets selected. ‘Nuff said. : P
I have a 1921 silver dollar. This isn’t a new one. This was minted in 1921.
I think the 1921 looks better too.
I can’t believe it but I noticed the dealer’s grey sheet for coin values posted 2021 Morgan and Peace Dollars at 115.00.That’s pretty good for just starting out I think.
Same problem. It wouldn’t accept my CC even though it was registered with the Mint as my prime charge card, so I had use my B of A card to buy my coins. I DID NOT want to charge it! I preferred to use my bank ATM Visa to just pay cash. The second round on Aug. 10 it accepted my Visa no sweat. Go figure. Yah just have to keep trying! They sold out in 20 minutes, but I got my coins!
Let’s not forget the coin flippers who will flood Ebay with these sold out coins asking three times what they sold for, and drive the secondary market value WAY up.
I need advice. As I said previously in my earlier comment, I am new to this and am a bit confused. I thought I had managed to get through and secured 3 each of the Morgan S & D mints, Email confirmed with order number and then the following week secured 3 each of the Morgan (P) and Peace dollars. Email confirmed with order number as well. My impression was that they don’t attempt to take the funds until shipped or processed. Yesterday I see an attempt by the mint to bill the first order and think OK, whatever, doesn’t… Read more »
Thank you so much for taking the time to explain your thoughts. Makes perfect sense, a test. Because I never bought from the mint before I wasn’t EXACTLY sure how and when they took payment because my initial understanding was that they waited until the order was processed. My orders were not canceled so I am very relieved. Thanks again.
I did get the “gateway error” twice, but stayed with it for about three minutes. Compared to the initial sales on 5/24, the Mint’s online experience on 8/10 was vastly improved. Reducing the household limit to 3 coins for each issue allowed more collectors a chance to own one of these beautiful coins. Website functionality of Government agencies are always going to be criticized, but in my opinion the Mint got it right this time.
So it’s Oct 17, 2021 when is the shipping going to start!
US Mint notified me today that my (S) Eagle shipped
Notifications finally going out for the privy marked and D and S Morgan dollars.
My May 24, 2021 order for the Morgan’s with the CC and O Privy Marks, just moved from backordered to processing on Monday October 18th, as did my August 3, 2021 order for the Morgan’s with the D and S Mint Marks. Hooray.
Yippee, me too.
Same here!
Well multiple bills hitting my credit card at once caused it to go into the red.
I hope that doesn’t stuff up any of my pending orders
Check your USPS shipment notices and stand guard over your Mail Box! I got my first Morgan Denver yesterday. Because of its perfection (and I checked closely) I must admit it made me think I had just caught it as it was coming off the press. It is the first Morgan I have ever seen in absolute pristine condition. In fact it was SO beautiful I thought it might have a few imperfections on it. So I went back to the Mint’s page and looked closely at details I had never paid any attention to. Little folds in the neck… Read more »
For your viewing and/or downloading pleasure — Mike
This final Morgan and Peace arrived today. What a great year for coins. I think I am done for the year. Considering the upcoming 1 ounce medals though.
I was channel surfing this weekend and saw that “Rare Collectibles TV” is selling the complete set of 2021 Morgans (P, D, S, O, CC) and the 2021 Peace P … for just pennies short of $3000.
I don’t know whether to be outraged … or just glad I was able to buy all of them thru the Mint.
There is no reason why the 2021 O and CC dollars should sell for any premium above the ones from the other mints, especially since the mintage is the same and they were NOT even minted at CC or New Orleans mint sites. The demand exists for these two mint marks because so many were bought up by BOT buyers on the mint site during that first day. Those buyers are overloaded with them and now out to make a killing from us collectors. Frankly, the supply of all four Morgan dollars far exceed the actual demand so I predict… Read more »
Silver coins have always been a favorite to collectors all over the world. They are more affordable to purchase and they maintain, or raise in value on a regular basis. If you have been thinking of starting your own coin collection, silver coins are a smart way to get started.