Today, Oct. 16, the United States Mint unveiled design concepts for 2021 to 2025 proof American Platinum Eagles.

The annual collector series of .9995 fine platinum coins was introduced in 1997 and has featured several design themes such as "Vistas of Liberty," "Foundations of Democracy," and "Preamble to the Constitution." The current design series, which started this year and ends in 2020, celebrates "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." (See photos of the most recent 2018 "Life" coin.)
Proof Platinum Eagles in years 2021 to 2025 will depict obverse designs emblematic of the five freedoms enumerated in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution — the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Their reverses will bear the same American eagle design shown on 2018 to 2020 platinum proof coins.
Two Concept Design Portfolios
Two portfolios of concept designs were unveiled for the 2021-2025 coins.
One portfolio included sets of designs created in concert with one another across the five-coin series. Specifically, artists developed submissions for the first three years in the series — for 2021 (Freedom of Religion), 2022 (Freedom of Speech), and 2023 (Freedom of the Press). They were given the option to submit rough sketches or a description of how they would depict the remaining two designs (those being 2024’s Freedom of Assembly and 2025’s Freedom to Petition).
The other portfolio contained designs for just the first year’s issue, the 2021’s Freedom of Religion. These designs came from artists focusing on the singular year’s theme without the constraint of conceiving design for the other four coins in the series.
Singularly Focused 2021 Proof Platinum Eagle Concept Designs
The portfolio of obverse designs singularly focused on 2021 (Freedom of Religion) follows:
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AEP-01 takes its inspiration from Moses Jacob Ezekiel’s "Religious Liberty" statue in Philadelphia. Centrally featured is a depiction of Freedom pointing upward declaring religious liberty. The young man, holding the burning torch of religion, represents the genius of faith. The scroll represents the power of the Constitution and the eagle clutching a serpent represents vanquishing tyranny through democracy.
AEP-02 depicts Liberty watching as a butterfly, symbolizing the freedom of religion, lands on her hand. The butterfly is used symbolically in many religions because of its transformation from a caterpillar — representing the soul, reincarnation, resurrection, and femininity. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
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AEP-03 and AEP-04 feature gleaming candles because light and fire are an ancient and central symbol in many religions. Candles are common to temples and shrines and additionally figure prominently in rituals. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
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AEP-05 and AEP-06 depict a man with his arms wide open, his stance representing a declaration of faith. The trees on the horizon represent the growing establishment of different religions.
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AEP-07 depicts a stylized image of a heart on fire that is framed within a silhouette of the Liberty Bell. The Liberty Bell represents freedom and is the backdrop and foundation for the right of American citizens to practice any religion. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
AEP-08 places the text of the First Amendment in a spiral form. The spiral is one of the oldest symbols and is embraced by and featured in many cultures and religious traditions around the world. It generally becomes an icon for nature, cosmic wisdom, and a universe in constant motion. This theme of motion is emphasized by the italic text leading inward and the need to turn the coin in your hand to read the text.
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AEP-09 centrally features a hand symbolizing a proclamation that this nation cherishes and protects the legacy of religious liberty. The bluebird embodies the arrival of spring emblematic of new beginnings. The lilac represents purity, spirituality, and eternal love.
AEP-10 illustrates a harmonious grouping of various attitudes of prayer, spiritual petition, and thanksgiving. These religious freedoms are protected by the First Amendment, and gives us the option of choosing which spiritual path we decide to follow. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
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AEP-11 depicts a traditional figure of Liberty and floral symbols of various world religions. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
AEP-12 showcases a butterfly, symbolizing the freedom of religion, and a purple coneflower. The butterfly is used symbolically in many religions because of its transformation from a caterpillar, representing the soul, reincarnation, resurrection, and femininity. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
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AEP-13 draws inspiration from Moses Jacob Ezekiel’s "Religious Liberty" statue in Philadelphia. The design features a depiction of Lady Liberty and, on her right, the young man as the genius of faith holding the burning torch of religion. The laurel and scroll represent the power of the Constitution. The eagle clutching a serpent represents vanquishing tyranny through democracy.
AEP-14 depicts three pairs of hands in various gestures of prayer set against the United States flag. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
AEP-15 features three sets of hands, coming from three different directions, clasped in prayer represent different directions from which people may come, united by their freedom of religion. In this design, the most universal expression of religion is illustrated – that of prayer. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
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AEP22-01 depicts the idea that speech is the expression of thought that can change the world. In this design a solid brick wall is being penetrated by the illumination of that thought. The inscription "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" is included.
AEP23-01 depicts a figure utilizing an antique book press. The inscription "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" is included.
Sets of 2021-2025 Proof Platinum Eagle Concept Designs
The portfolio of obverse designs for the range of 2021-2025 coins follows:
Set 1
Set 01 is tied together through its use of flora and a traditional Liberty figure.

2021-01 features Liberty surrounded by floral symbols of various religions of our world. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
2022-01 depicts Liberty with a stylized laurel in the background symbolic of victory and honor. The flag is included in the design because the Supreme Court has interpreted ‘speech’ broadly and also applied it to symbolic expression, such as displaying flags. The inscription "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" is included.
2023-01 portrays Liberty holding a document, symbolic of the press or printed material, with stylized laurel in the background. The inscription "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" is included.
The artist submitted the following narrative to illustrate how he or she would continue Set 01. Please note the text treatment along the border of the designs would remain the same.
- 2024-01 would feature multiple profiles, facing right, reminiscent favoring the Liberty used on various coins in the past. A background of symbolic plants would be used similar to those featured in 2021 through 2023.
- 2025-01 would have Liberty depicted to the waist, facing left. She either holds a placard (no text) or not. The background is made of other placards (no text) making a geometric pattern, there is space between allowing for proof polishing. A plant symbolic of freedom will be introduced into the design.
Set 2
Set 02 features designs set against a back drop of a symbolic image of the American Flag.

2021-02 portrays eight figures of different faiths, cultures, and viewpoints. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
2022-02 depicts a woman giving a speech. The inscription "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" is included.
2023-02 depicts an 18th century style printing press similar to Ben Franklin’s printing press. The inscription "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" is included.
2024-02 features a trio of peaceful demonstrators. The inscription "FREEDOM TO ASSEMBLE" is included.
2025-02 illustrates the inscription of "FREEDOM TO PETITION" with an image of the scales of Justice.
Set 3
Set 03’s unifying elements are the use of consistent typography, hand gestures, and shields that represent the United States Constitution and the protection that the First Amendment provides for each of the Five Freedoms in this series.

2021-03 features praying hands typical of many religions. The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
2022-03 represents the hand gestures of a person behind a speaker’s podium and microphone during a public speech. The inscription "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" is included.
2023-03 depicts a person publishing a story on a laptop computer as it is received through a source via smart phone. The protection of the Freedom of the Press is particularly relevant in the age of digital and social media with content that can be published instantly by any American with a communication device. The inscription "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" is included.
2024-03 represents solidarity with hands clasped together in a group assembly. The inscription "FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY" is included.
2025-03 portrays the hands of a person signing the first signature of a clip board petition. This is a typical method used to garner public support of an issue or grievance that can be presented to local, state, and federal government representatives to act on. The inscription "FREEDOM TO PETITION" is included.
Set 4 & 4A
Set 04 and Set 04A enshrine the language of the First Amendment surrounding the text with a laurel wreath.

2021-04 and 2021-04A depict a torch above the inscription, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." 2021-04 features Liberty holding the torch.
2022-04 features Liberty with arms outstretched above the inscription, "Congress shall make no law abridging the Freedom of Speech."
2023-04 portrays Liberty with a scroll and features the inscription, "Congress shall make no law abridging the Freedom of the Press."
Set 5
Set 05 features a variety of allegorical figures. Each figure represents different concepts of liberty as expressed through the rights enumerated in the First Amendment. Additionally the key word from each of the freedoms is inscribed using script modeled after the original text of the Bill of Rights.

2021-05 shows Liberty in different attitudes or postures of worship, prayer, and meditation suggesting the diversity of religious practice in America. The inscription "RELIGION" is included.
2022-05 portrays Liberty engaged in three basic modes of speech. These simple avenues of expression—writing, formal speaking or lecturing, and raising one’s voice in the public square—are fundamental. The inscription "SPEECH" is included.
2023-05 shows Liberty busily engaged in publishing and reading printed materials. One reviews a large printed sheet, one reads from a bound book, and a third operates an 18th century printing press. The inscription "THE PRESS" is included.
Set 7
Set 07 feature people participating in the respective freedom depicted.

2021-07 depicts different attitudes of prayer used by some of the religions of our nation, where we have the right to gather and worship according to our faith.
2022-07 portrays the magnified power of people’s individual voices when peacefully assembled to shed light on issues. A sign with the inscription, "OUR VOICES WILL NOT BE SILENCED" is included.
2023-07 showcases a selection of the various mediums that the press uses in its reporting of the news.
2024-07 depicts an assembled group of figures.
2025-07 features a petition on a clipboard being signed.
Set 8
SET 08 primarily uses the hands of people participating in the various freedoms of the First Amendment.

2021-08 depicts hands in attitudes of prayer used by some of the religions of our nation, where we have the right to gather and worship according to our faith.
2022-08 portrays the magnified power of people’s individual voices when peacefully assembled to shed light on issues.
2023-08 showcases a selection of the various mediums that the press uses in its reporting of the news.
2024-08 depicts an assembled group of figures.
2025-08 features a petition on a clipboard being signed.
Set 9
Set 09 illustrates the freedoms in action.

2021-09 shows the torch bearing hand of the Statue of Liberty a welcome site to generations of immigrants arriving to the United States. Her torch illuminates the inscription, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion."
2022-09 depicts two hands holding a sign with the inscription, "Freedom of Speech."
2023-09 illustrates the freedom of the press throughout the ages. At the top is a town crier; in the middle is an early 20th century news boy holding up a paper; and, at the bottom is a contemporary young man getting his news on a phone. The inscription "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" is included.
Set 10
Set 10 uses the oak tree as a metaphor for our country’s growth as a nation that values freedom. Liberty grows to a thing of strength and beauty from a seed – our Bill of Rights.

2021-10 depicts a seedling and an acorn with the inscription, "Liberty grows." The inscription "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" is included.
2022-10 features a juvenile oak tree with the inscription, "Liberty blossoms." The inscription "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" is included.
2023-10 portrays a mature oak tree with the inscription, "Liberty Bears Fruit." The inscription "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" is included.
The artist submitted the following narrative to illustrate how they would continue Set 10. Please note the text format would remain the same.
- 2024-10 would depict an arrangement of leaves on branches from multiple distinct types of oak trees with the additional inscription of, "Liberty Spreads."
- 2025-10 would portray a mature spreading, strong oak tree fills the space with the additional inscription, "Liberty Endures."
Set 11
Set 11‘s designs feature an inscription of the relevant text of the First Amendment. In terms of protecting our freedoms, the courts, and ultimately the Supreme Court, play a vital role in our democracy. The nine dots at the top of the design, arranged in an arc like the Supreme Court justices’ seats, are a subtle nod to the nine justices in our nation’s highest court who have carefully considered the words in the First Amendment when making their judgments.

2021-11 shows a woman with her hands on her chest, a gesture meant to symbolize the beliefs one holds (metaphorically) in one’s heart. The woman’s modern clothing hints that the design is a modern interpretation of the First Amendment. The inscription "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion" is included.
2022-11 depicts three figures representing different aspects of our modern understanding of the Freedom of Speech. On the left, a woman emphatically speaks, exercising the right to speak aloud thoughts that others may not agree with. In the center, a person hands out flyers/literature, exercising a form of speech that is not verbal. On the right, a young man stands in defiant silence, exercising his right not to speak. The inscription "Congress shall make no law abridging the Freedom of Speech" is included.
2023-11 highlights a piece of printed paper bearing part of a controversial 1734 American song which was printed in a newspaper. The printer of this newspaper was accused and tried by a grand jury for libel. While this trial took place before the Bill of Rights was created, it laid the groundwork for the development of the idea of the freedom of the press. The inscription, "Congress shall make no law abridging the Freedom of the Press" is included.
The part of "A Song Made Upon The Foregoing Occasion" excerpted in the coin design is, "Though pettifogging knaves deny us rights of Englishmen; We’ll make the scoundrel rascals fly, and ne’er return again." The definition of ‘pettyfogging’ (or ‘pettifogging’) is "to place undue emphasis on unimportant details."
Set 11A
Set 11A designs all have the inscriptions "First Amendment" and "Liberty". Also featured, in a typeface similar to the handwriting in the original Bill of Rights, is the most identifiable word related to the freedom depicted within the design. These designs are identical otherwise to those in Set 11.

2021-11A shows a woman with her hands on her chest, a gesture meant to symbolize the beliefs one holds (metaphorically) in one’s heart. The inscription "RELIGION" is included.
2022-11 depicts three figures representing different aspects of our modern understanding of the Freedom of Speech. On the left, a woman emphatically speaks, exercising the right to speak aloud thoughts that others may not agree with. In the center, a person hands out flyers/literature, exercising a form of speech that is not verbal. On the right, a young man stands in defiant silence, exercising his right not to speak, which is also part of the modern interpretation of the First Amendment’s Freedom of Speech. The inscription "SPEECH" is included.
2023-11 highlights a piece of printed paper bearing part of a controversial 1734 American song which was printed in a newspaper. The printer of this newspaper was accused and tried by a grand jury for libel. While this trial took place before the Bill of Rights was created, it laid the groundwork for the development of the idea of the freedom of the press. The inscription "PRESS" is included.
Official Design Recommendations in March 2019
In a meeting today with the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC), U.S. Mint officials are seeking guidance on design "next best steps" for the 2021-2025 coins, noting:
"We are not looking for design recommendations at this meeting, but rather feedback to guide us and the artists on next best steps
For instance, should we continue to develop the designs as a series or agree that it is best to focus on each design as a unique statement of that particular year’s ‘freedom’? Or, the committee may advise us to bring back only some of the designs in both categories — a subset of the strongest ideas that should be further developed."
The Mint indicated that it will bring back revised designs in March 2019 for actual recommendations.
Am I the only one seeing the irony/humour in having both “Freedom of Religion” and “In God we trust”, on the same coin?
I see what you mean. It really doesn’t make sense. You have the freedom, only if it involves God. I’m really not liking many of these designs either.
I hate that these design concepts are wasted on these platinum bullion coins instead of being a part of our regular coin lineup. Seems these days maybe it would do us so good to have each of our pocket coins showcasing the aspects of the First Amendment for the next 25 years…
I like set 10 – we will see what happens!