Comments on: 2022-W Proof American Platinum Eagle Depicts Freedom of Speech CoinNews delivers the latest World and US coin news Wed, 23 Mar 2022 14:10:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rich Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:26:29 +0000 In reply to Allan.

Excellent question, Allan. At this time the Mint’s 2022 Product Schedule lists the American Eagle 2022 One Ounce Palladium Reverse Proof Coin to be released sometime this summer. But who knows? Last year, the Mint surprised us by quietly releasing 8,700 2021 Palladium American Eagle Bullion Coins on top or the advertised, scheduled release of the American Eagle 2021 One Ounce Palladium Proof Coin.

By: Allan Sun, 06 Mar 2022 12:04:53 +0000 Do you think the mint will continue to sell Palladium coins with Russia being a large producer of this metal and the US need for a production use of this metal?

By: Big T Sat, 05 Mar 2022 15:59:06 +0000 Next year the 2023 platinum coin will be much, much higher than this one in cost. Platinum going north of 2K by end of 2022… you heard it here first…!!!

By: Kia99 Fri, 04 Mar 2022 18:57:58 +0000 In reply to Rich.

I like to laugh and think of small changes like this as due to order cancellations, returns or even final “inventory adjustments.”

By: Rich Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:34:41 +0000 In reply to Rich.

UPDATE on the 2021 Platinum Proof: Out of curiosity I checked on the order status of this coin again this morning, and it was available and back for sale with “data available” showing 5 coins available as of 10:20am ET. As Kia99 said, “Umm mysterious are the ways of the Mint” and as I would like to say, “Go figure” – whereas I really would prefer to give this the big Goldfinger!

By: Rich Fri, 04 Mar 2022 06:21:57 +0000 In reply to Kia99.

Thanks for pointing out the need to correlate the current “data available” figure with the most recent weekly cumulative sales figure and the product limit for the coin in question. Your premise that the mint produces these coins in batches/stages based on the underlying sales strength may explain the Mint’s “mysterious ways.” For example, the 2021 Platinum Proof with a product limit of 15,000 became Not Available [Remind Me] tonight and is “currently unavailable.” Earlier today it had 19 coins available and as of last Sunday (4 days ago) it had a total sales of 9,734. Most likely the Mint didn’t sell 5,260 of these coins in the past 4 days, and instead just ran out of the batch on hand tonight. So if anyone is still interested in ordering this coin, hit the “Remind Me” button or just check back at a later date as more of these coins may or may not become available again, especially since its last year’s issue.

By: morgan Thu, 03 Mar 2022 23:50:51 +0000 In reply to Rich.

The world is round, not flat. If the world was flat, then cats would have pushed everything off of it by now.

By: Rich Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:53:20 +0000 In reply to Rich.

Yes Major, its a dead ringer, notably released in the U.S. on Feb 3 & 6, 2020.

By: Kia99 Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:34:46 +0000 In reply to Rich.

Umm mysterious are the ways of the Mint. Including the sales data in your table makes it even more fun!
2021 data available = 19 (product limit = 15,000) sales= 9,734
2020 data available = 453 (product limit = 13,000) sales=9,231
2018 data available = 3,566 (product limit = 20,000) sales=15,242

By: Antonio Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:05:44 +0000 In reply to sam tweedy.

Whining about the price is what we OLD LADIES always do. LOL
