Stack’s Bowers Galleries ( is pleased to announce details of their upcoming World Coin, Ancient Coin & World Paper Money Auction, to be held in conjunction with the 2018 ANA World’s Fair of Money between August 14 and 18. The event will be held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia.

The Ancient and World Coin sale will be offered on two days, with Session A commencing on Tuesday August 14, at 9:00 AM ET in Room 115A of the Convention Center. Session D will start at 9:00 AM ET on Thursday August 16, again in Room 115A. Session B, featuring World Paper Money, will begin at 10:00 AM ET on Tuesday August 14 in Room 115B.
Additionally, The Eldorado Collection of Colombian Coins and Paper Money will be offered, beginning with Session C: The Eldorado Collection of Colombian Coins Part 1 held on Tuesday, August 14 at 3:00 PM ET in Room 115B. Session E: The Eldorado Collection of Colombian Paper Money will be held Thursday, August 16 at 9:00 AM ET also in Room 115B. Session F: The Eldorado Collection of Colombian Coins Part 2 will be held Thursday, August 16 at 4:00 PM ET, again in Room 115B.
The Ancient coin section starts off with three exciting Euainetos Decadrachms, providing multiple opportunities to acquire this exceptionally popular type (lots 20014-20016). Lot 20032, offers a rare Double Stater of Alexander the Great, the heaviest gold coins produced by the Greeks up to that time. Stack’s Bowers Galleries is proud to present an extremely rare Athenian Gold Diobol — one of only six known examples — as lot 20061.

This historically important piece came about as Athens faced an increasingly dire siege, and debased their sacred displays (melting down golden statues of Nike the goddess of victory) to fund their resistance. Additional Ancient "Greek" highlights hail from the far flung edges of the then known world: A Tryphon AR Tetradrachm of the Seleukid Kingdom (lot 20073), a massive AR Pentakaidekadrachm for Berenike of Ptolemaic Egypt (lot 20085) and a Carthaginian Gold Stater (lot 20086).
Roman issues provide extraordinary coins, beginning with lot 20099 — a Cleopatra and Marc Antony AR Denarius in fabulous condition. An exceptional AE Sestertius of Vitellius is found in lot 20110. An offering of three Aurei — from Titus as Caesar (lot 20114), Antoninus Pius (lot 20119) and Crispina (lot 20121) — provides high quality gold issues to this session. Lots 20123 and 20124 offer exceptionally rare types related to Septimus Severus, both in impeccable condition. Septimius Severus outmaneuvered his military opponents in the aftermath of Commodus’ assassination to secure the title of Roman Emperor. He then went about propagating the message of renewed stability in the realm and the security brought about by his new dynasty. Lot 20123 is an extremely rare type and one of just two designs (the other unique) that depicts all four members of the Severan Imperial family. Immediately following is a piece issued for his wife, Julia Domna, with a reverse design depicting the young heirs of the empire.

After the conclusion of the Ancient coin section is the first portion of the World coins presenting pieces from Afghanistan to Germany. A lovely selection of Austrian coinage opens the sale. The coinage of Belgium features three incredible gold issues. Lot 20207 is a magnificent Lion d’Or of Louis de Male from the 14th century with impeccable detail. Lot 20209 offers a 2 Souverain d’Or of Albert & Isabella, immediately followed by lot 20210, an 1853 100 Franc commemorating the marriage of the Duke and Duchess of Brabant. Brazil is well represented with over 25 desirable lots, including a pair of Pedro II highlights. Lot 20251 is a rare key date 1859 5,000 Reis with a tiny mintage of just 493 pieces and lot 20252 presents a 20,000 Reis (also a rare key date) struck in 1862 and seldom offered at auction. Canada offers a stunning specimen strike $5 of George V (lot 20262), in breathtaking condition. Lot 20281 offers a Chinese Sycee, a massive Szechuan piece issued for a salt tax payment.
The Colombian coinage offered in this session provides appealing companion pieces to the landmark Eldorado Collection. The first highlight is the single finest certified 16 Peso (lot 20299) in superlative condition. Another exceptional Colombian piece in remarkable condition is lot 20302, a Popayán mint 20 Pesos which is the finest certified for its type across all dates. Next up is a gorgeous Ecuadoran 1852/0 8 Escudos (lot 20334) in Mint State condition, an exceptional example as this type is normally found incomplete.
As with the Stack’s Bowers Galleries January New York International Auction, the French coinage to be offered in their upcoming August auction is simply stunning. Over 150 coins in the live session and nearly a dozen highlights should attract serious competition.
A gorgeous trio of stunning medieval issues, all in Mint State condition, begins with lot 20363, a magnificent Masse d’Or of Philip IV (the Fair) from early in the history of the unified Kingdom of France. A Double Royal d’Or of Philip VI de Valois (lot 20364) and a Chaise d’Or (lot 20365) are both in impeccable condition. Also of note are a lovely and rare ½ Hardi d’Or of Charles issued for Aquitaine (lot 20383) and an immaculate Ecu d’Or du Dauphine of Francois I (lot 20385).

Jumping ahead to the 18th century, in lot 20414 is found a rarely offered Double Louis Mirliton of Louis XV. This king provides yet another stunning highlight in lot 20425, a gorgeous proof Ecu au Bandeau in stupendous condition. The reign of Emperor Napoleon III offers an important and interesting dually denominated pattern in gold, marked with "5 Dollars / 25 Francs" (lot 20497). The final highlight for France is a tremendous "Ceres Head" proof 10 Franc commemorating the centennial anniversary of the French Revolution (lot 20503).
Rounding out Session A is a large run of German material totaling 125 lots. The marquee piece for this group is lot 20594, a 4 Ducats from Nurnberg offering a gorgeous city view and bearing the provenance to the Eliasberg Collection.
The auction will resume on Thursday, August 16 at 9:00 AM ET with Session D, which presents the remainder of the world coins starting with over 160 lots from Great Britain. A pair of Fine Sovereigns issued by Mary I (known as "Bloody Mary" for the religious persecution she caused) can be found in lots 21024 and 21025. Mary’s half-sister Elizabeth I provides a pleasing highlight in lot 21028 (a gold Pound [20 Shillings]). Elizabeth’s successor James I delivers a wonderful coin in lot 21032, a lovely Rose-Ryal of 30 Shillings.
Following these pieces are lustrous gold and stellar silver from throughout the 17th century, including a beautifully toned Pre-Union 5 Guineas of Queen Anne (lot 21065). This is immediately followed by a Post-Union type 5 Guineas in lot 21066. Additionally, a Guinea of the Post-Union type in lot 21067 is notable as the finest certified of any Anne type by either NGC or PCGS. Further 5 Guineas (issued by George I and George II) stand out in lots 21070 and 21074.
The cornerstone of the British section is the Braemore Collection of British Proof Sets. This fabulous run begins with lot 21107, a George IV 1826 Proof Set. Less than ten lots later is the marquee lot of the auction, the Iconic "Una and the Lion" Proof Set (lot 21116).

This 15-piece set is capped by one of the most famous English rarities, the Una and the Lion 5 Pound. The set is proudly featured on the back cover of the catalog, and will surely be remembered for years to come.
Immediately following this incredible offering is a Queen Victoria Jubilee Proof Set commemorating the 50th anniversary of her rule (lot 21117). A dozen pieces of Jubilee coinage provide a brief interlude before the final Victoria set: the 1893 "Veiled Head" Proof Set (lot 21129). Lot 21134 presents an exceptional "Gothic Crown" — not part of the Braemore Collection.
The Q. David Bowers Collection provides a remarkable opportunity in lot 21140, a complete Maundy Set of Queen Victoria. Issued in 1902 to commemorate the coronation of her successor Edward VII, it is believed that only five sets have been made. The sale returns to the Braemore Collection with lot 21141, an Edward VII Coronation Proof Set. The major Braemore Collection offerings — as well as the British highlights in general — culminate with a Coronation Set of George V.
Highlights resume with lot 21168, a Greek gold medal commemorating the 1875 Olympic Games in Athens, which provides a rare look into early efforts to revive the Olympic Games in the modern age. Iran also offers a substantial gold medal in lot 21211 commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Pahlavi Dynasty. A very rare pair of late Vittorio Emanuel III issues in gold are found in lot 21230. A lovely 1758 Genoa 50 Lire with an iconic representation of Madonna and child is offered in lot 21236 and a remarkable Venetian Ducat of Doge Marco Barbarigo (lot21295) is notable as this Doge’s reign lasted less than a year.
A key date Japanese 5 Yen of 1893 is presented in lot 21312, a design nearly mirrored in lot 21314, a Korean 1906 10 Won from the Eliasberg Collection. The sale’s next highlight is a highly important Columnario error legend. This Mexican 1746 8 Reales is one of just three known examples with "UTRUQUE" in place of "UTRAQUE" (lot 21335).
Additional Mexican highlights can be found in lot 21405 (an exceedingly rare "Muera Huerta" Peso Variety the firm believes to be a pattern) and lot 21409 (the finest certified "Cacahuatepec" Revolutionary Peso). Among Peruvian coins, lot 21443 is an impressive Mint State 1713 8 Escudos, while lot 21448 offers a magnificent Lima 8 Reales dated 1762. An extremely rare Portuguese ½ Justo of Joao II — dubbed the "Perfect Prince" by Machiavelli — is found in lot 21473. Portugal also provides lot 21477, a rare Mint State 30,000 Reis that is sure to delight the specialist.
Russia provides a multitude of marquee pieces, including an extremely rare Two Ruble of Catherine I — consort to Peter the Great then Empress in her own right — in lot 21480 with the additional prestige of being pedigreed to the Soedermann Collection. A rarely offered Platinum 12 Ruble of Nicholas I is offered in lot 21497 and a rare proof issue 1850 5 Ruble is found in lot 21502. South Africa offers an exceptionally choice 1893 2 Shilling, a key date for the type in lot 21535.

Switzerland offers the next high-powered coins beginning with lot 21568, a wonderful specimen strike 1895 5 Franc with breathtaking tone. A lovely one year type, a 1925 100 Franc with a classic depiction of Helvetia, is offered in lot 21569. Two incredible Cantonal pieces begin with lot 21573, a stately 1798 4 Ducats for Bern, and in lot 21575, a Scudo d’Oro del Sole from Mesocco, from the transition of the 15th to the 16th century.
An extremely rare Uruguayan issue is found in lot 21585, a Pattern Gold Doblon produced in 1870 with a provenance to the Newcomer, Clapp, and Eliasberg collections. The session is capped by a collection of Odd and Curious items, including the "Holy Grail" for this niche numismatics; a Yap Island Stone money (approximately 74 pounds and 19 x 15 x 4 inches) which is sure to draw considerable attention.
There will be several Internet Only Auction Sessions, each packed full of desirable Ancient and World Coin and Paper Money lots. Session G will offer 132 lots of Ancient coins, as well as 628 world coin lots (from Afghanistan to Germany) and will begin promptly at 9:00 AM PT on Monday, August 20. The second half of the World Coins — Session H — featuring coins from Great Britain to the second portion of the Odd & Curious section, will be held on Tuesday, August 21, beginning at 9:00 AM PT. Session I will feature World Paper Money and be held on Wednesday, August 22nd beginning at 9:00 AM PT.
In addition to exceptional World coin offerings, Stack’s Bowers Galleries is proud to feature a session of World Paper Money, which will be held on Tuesday August 14 at 10:00 AM ET. A few of the rarest notes in the World Paper hobby can be found within this catalog, with some being the finest, and in a few cases the only notes known for their type.
The firm is pleased to include in their August 2018 World Paper Money auction the first part of Robert J. Bauman’s extensive collection of paper money from Argentina. This includes the only known 1823 1 Peso from the Bank of Buenos Aryes in lot 30003. Also featured are Custom Notes from 1866, one of which is an unlisted 10 Pesos Fuertes found in lot 30005. Another scarce highlight is presented in lot 30013, a 1 Real from the Aministracion de Hacienda y Credito.
A strong suite of notes from Russia includes the cover note, lot 30229, an outstanding Fully Original 1882 100 Rubles Rainbow note from Imperial Russia graded PCGS Currency as Very Fine 25 PPQ. Equal in rarity and beauty is lot 30225, an extremely rare 1876 25 Rubles State Credit Note. Other Russian highlights include lot 30224, an 1819 5 Rubles, and lot 30228, an 1882 10 Rubles.

Also presented are a stunning and incredibly rare 1965 100 Dollar Queen Elizabeth II issued note from the Bahamas (lot 30050) and a Belize 20 Dollar Queen Elizabeth II note from 1974, one of the more elusive and sought after QEII’s (lot 30054). A private collection of Czechoslovakia and Slovakia pieces are also offered, highlighted by lot 30106, the finest PMG graded 1923 500 Korun from Czechoslovakia.
Lot viewing will be available at the Stack’s Bowers Galleries Santa Ana, California office before the sale, as well as in New York and at the auction venue in Philadelphia. Check for specific dates and times.
For those interested in consigning, Stack’s Bowers Galleries offers professional handling of your collection, with a proven track record of accomplished sales. Consignments are being accepted for the firm’s October 2018 Collector’s Choice Online auction, the January 2019 New York International Auction and the April 2019 Hong Kong Auction. Contact a consignment specialist at 949-253-0916 or via email at or visit the Stack’s Bowers Galleries table at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia from Tuesday August 14 to Saturday August 18.