Comments on: Perth Mint Responds to ABC TV Allegations CoinNews delivers the latest World and US coin news Sun, 12 Mar 2023 22:48:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kaiser Wilhelm Sun, 12 Mar 2023 22:48:32 +0000 In reply to Dazed and Coinfused.

Where do we see progress in all of this, Dazed and Coinfused? Several hundred years ago if you wanted some gold you just dropped in on your trusty local alchemist.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Sat, 11 Mar 2023 09:16:10 +0000 In reply to Dazed and Coinfused.

By the way, Dazed and Coinfused and c_q, I decided to take a closer look at the question of precisely how much of a one hundred ton gold shipment would, by weight and by value, consist of something other than gold, but at some point in the midst of my ruminations and calculations I realized I was getting nowhere fast, which then helped me recall how seriously math challenged I’ve been known to be, so I decided to give up and opt for a nap instead. I will leave it to any Gunga Din here who will hopefully be a better man at that than I am and thus be able to solve The Great Problem.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Fri, 10 Mar 2023 22:09:38 +0000 In reply to Dazed and Coinfused.

Occasionally, Dazed and Coinfused, perhaps even as such is the case in point here, it might almost begin to appear as if all gold is “fool’s gold”.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Fri, 10 Mar 2023 21:04:22 +0000 In reply to Seth Riesling.

Operators are standing. Bye.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Fri, 10 Mar 2023 21:03:01 +0000 In reply to Caliskier.

Is the purity of gold somehow limited or does the concept of endless Pi apply here also?

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Fri, 10 Mar 2023 20:54:34 +0000 In reply to Dazed and Coinfused.

The first time I heard that American schools now only teach how to print words to the exclusion of writing them in cursive I knew that as far as education and learning go the “end times” could no longer be very far around the corner. Welcome to the Idiocracy.

By: Dazed and Coinfused Fri, 10 Mar 2023 17:09:28 +0000 In reply to Seth Riesling.

That was over 120 years ago. Finding gold and getting it out the ground is easier now. So with the magic mike (gold deficit) it makes sense to remove the 5th 9 and alter the 4th. They press many coins and medals. All that adds up. Also, population back then was way lower. I think it doubled since then. But how are they testing the purity? Are they melting and centrifuge? Doubt it. Melt and separate like a pharmacist does pills? Or do they pull out impurities with a magnet? Which according to the pros on forged in fire, when metal hits a certain temp it loses it magnetism. That how you know you are ready to quinch the blade.

By: Dazed and Coinfused Fri, 10 Mar 2023 17:03:05 +0000 In reply to c_q.

Seems miniscule, but when you are talking tons, that is a lot. Don’t have time to do the math, but figure how many ounces in a pound, then multiply by 2000 for ton weight. Then multiply by at least 100. And see what 1/25 comes out to be. Also. Who validated the older mint coins? Could be like a Reese’s cup silver outside with a lead filling. I wonder what the US standard is. Is it 99.99999999999 or 99.9 like some coins. And I think 1 was even 90.0 silver. So how did mint do that if they’ve been doing pure metals for years. Did they add to the smelt process? Did they thoroughly remove all that alloy from the smelter? If not some of those 99.9999999999 coins stamped after could be contaminated. And junk silver the same. Did they ensure it was 90% (according to Keiser) or did they add other metals to make weight and it was 89% or less. With all the coins coming from mint lately that are damaged etc, perhaps it is due to less pure metals. And to answer the question, I’ll take my gold in the rocks, not on the rocks. I bet soon unky joke uses his pen power and does executive order that all gold coins will be made from 100% pyrite.

By: Dazed and Coinfused Fri, 10 Mar 2023 16:52:05 +0000 In reply to Kaiser Wilhelm.

Nah. They would melt them down, add other metals like zinc and lead and remold them in counterfeit or stolen molds and return to mint for refund.

Confusing. They addressed the .01 part, but expanded that it met requirements and was adjusting to make it contain more gold from 99.992 to 99.996. I can’t even fathom how small a piece of gold that would be. Xi just got 5 more years as dictaster, I mean dictator. So he knows what is going to happen with Russia and Taiwan. I think Israel and Iran will be the fort Sumpter moment though, or Ferdinand so to speak. When the bricks move to gold, the value will skyrocket as other countries move to barter for food and goods. Also, an 82 year old went to jail for selling fake graded Michael Jordan rookie cards. Look it up, was on CNN I think. Basically an insider got him labels and cases. Details were limited and the co-conspirator wasn’t named. I also wouldn’t bank china is junk. They have a rover on the moon and mars too. And the media said they stole plans and have successfully created their version if the f22. And they’ve had years to improve it.

Also Egypt backed out of receiving grains through nato and un. So don’t be surprised if they join bricks. And I love how yelled comes back from overseas after handing out ton of cash to tell congress to raise debt ceiling. Yeah its transitory. It transits from one card to another to another to another to keep payments on time (not me, I planned better, but most americans)

The fed also said they were going to look into crypto more deeply. Notice bitcoin crashed. Was under 20,000 earlier. Another consideration a new compound was created to conduct electricity much more efficiently. It has a really rare element in it and it takes huge amounts of temps and pressure to create. I wanna say 144,000 psi or maybe it was 144,000 tons. It is recent so article should be easy to find. Perhaps we see America go back to writing post dated checks. Which will be cool. Can’t wait to see Gen y and Gen z trying to fill out a check using a stylus and yelling because it is out of ink.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Thu, 09 Mar 2023 19:54:13 +0000 In reply to Seth Riesling.

I think, Seth, that it is sometimes the case that the worst bragger is the biggest liar.
