Comments on: CCAC to Review Designs for 2024 Quarters and US-UK Coin and Medal CoinNews delivers the latest World and US coin news Fri, 03 Mar 2023 11:38:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Caliskier Fri, 03 Mar 2023 11:38:37 +0000 In reply to Kaiser Wilhelm.

Thanks for the additional information re: International Polar Bear Day and bobsleigh/toboggan runs in your hometown back in Austria! Super Cool!

Regarding your “membership in the downhill snow sport club or any such related frozen fun society”, you’re absolutely a member in good standing! In my years, I just never bought into the alpine skiers vs Nordic or Tele skiers or versus snowboarders BS. Snow is fun, no matter how you like to slide! I will say, in all fairness, that alcohol and “Tower Padding” is highly discouraged and often illegal. Too many evenings have ended in major tragedy. Sounds fun, however super dangerous, riding a missile/tower pad on the snow, with multiple passengers, with no ability to stop, turn or even slow down, once you get going. You’d better have a long run with absolutely “zero” obstructions on the hill or run out! People have died, hitting the exact ski lift tower, they removed the pad off of, on the way up the hill! Tragic…

By: Roger Wed, 01 Mar 2023 14:56:30 +0000 In reply to Caliskier.

I’m listening to the CCAC meeting this morning and your issue of a two headed coin was discussed. It was explained that to comply with the law a portrait on the reverse of a coin needed to include the head, torso and hands.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Tue, 28 Feb 2023 22:15:44 +0000 In reply to Craig.

We can certainly hope for that, Craig, as we have had enough trouble in the past.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Tue, 28 Feb 2023 19:13:51 +0000 In reply to Caliskier.

How fitting for the polar bear to wave to us, Caliskier, as yesterday was International Polar Bear Day, and by the way naturally, a very big Hello back to Old Frosty!
It turns out that the old 1 1/4 mile bobsled run of my Vienna Woods days was but a miniature in the context of the greater world of bobsledding. It seems there is a much longer current day edition of such a run in Neukirchen und Bramberg in the Salzburg region of Austria. It’s located within the Wildkogel mountain sport complex aka “arena”, begins at an elevation of 6930 feet, extends 8 3/4 miles down the slopes for a total vertical drop of 4290 feet with the ride taking from 30 to 50 minutes depending on the sledding speed one is comfortable with.

By: Roger Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:09:10 +0000 In reply to Kaiser Wilhelm.

Report of “Fly on Wall” #6

I found listening to the meeting both interesting and frustrating. Frustrating because the designs for the Missouri Innovation Dollar and Willie O’Ree medal were not available online so it was difficult to follow their comments. I did find one image of the MID which I’m pretty sure is the winning design #10.

Also they mute the meeting while they score the designs and then come back without warning and announce the scores. You really have to pay attention because they don’t confirm the winning design afterwards saying “the scores speak for themselves.”

I’ll be better prepared for tomorrows meeting since all the designs were posted on this site and I’ll have pen and pad ready to record the scores as they are read.

Here are the results of todays meeting as best as I could understand them.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:23:09 +0000 In reply to Caliskier.

I’m happy to hear that being a non-skier doesn’t carry with it the implication of my not being eligible for membership in the downhill snow sport club or any such related frozen fun society, Caliskier! It might be noteworthy to point out that “back in the day”, circa 1953-1955, the bobsled run in the Vienna Woods afforded us a thrilling two kilometer long downhill whoosh with no subsequent way to get back up to the start other than an equally long uphill hike through the deep snow pulling the heavy wooden four seater toboggan behind us. The good old days indeed!

By: Caliskier Mon, 27 Feb 2023 21:51:39 +0000 In reply to Kaiser Wilhelm.

Hate to get too graphic Kaiser Wilhelm, however I’ve often told people, that if I were to somehow cut my wrist, there wouldn’t be any blood, just “Snowflakes” shooting out like you’d just entered a “Snow Globe” that had been frantically shaken by a 5 year old! That’s how much I Love snow and am completely and thoroughly enamored with, freshly fallen snow! MAGICAL!

In regards to your experience being only on a toboggan. It’s all good, as I also am in favor of any way, one chooses to slide or move on snow, as they are all fun and exhilarating! Trash bags, cafeteria trays, snow shoe, snow mobile, cross country, snowboard, alpine/downhill ski, telemark ski, ski boots w/o skis(hard snow), shovel, snow bike, toboggan, sleigh, saucer, inner tube, automobile, etc! Bring it, they are all Good, “from Diego to the Bay, it’s All Good”! BTW, of the above, only ones I’ve not tried are the snow bikes(ski in front for steering) and telemark skiing.

By: Caliskier Mon, 27 Feb 2023 21:26:57 +0000 In reply to Fviia.

Once one, gains enough mileage, the much sought after feeling of Nirvana, can not be interrupted, held up by others, shenanigans, desires for food, potty breaks, lost skis, group meet ups and such. Talk and companionship, unless able or at a similar level of experience and desire for advanced powder terrain, is relegated to a short lunch maybe(?), chair/gondola ride and Apres Ski or dinner. The allure of untracked, is as good as “Gold” IMO and such a “Rush”!!!

Have an awesome time skiing in Colorado. Favorites I’ve skied are Copper Mountain(Enchanted Forrest) and Vail(Back Bowls/Blue Sky Basin). I’m having a bit of envy of your trip, again have a great time!

PS In the above, mentioned, whiny kids, would also be another interruption, that’s not good. However having taught children and adults both, I’ll usually opt for the whiny kid without their parents vs having to deal with a whiny adult. Unless of course, it’s a “Private Lesson”, as that pays considerably more, with usually more leeway on where you’re able to take them on the mountain! Good Times! Below is the kind of friends I like to ski with!

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Mon, 27 Feb 2023 16:39:24 +0000 In reply to Fviia.

Which apparently have gone right through the roof pricewise, Fviia!

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Mon, 27 Feb 2023 16:38:26 +0000 In reply to Dazed and Coinfused.

I don’t think that one is favored by the selection committees, Dazed and Coinfused. I expect they will both exhibit better taste and choose an image far more heroically attractive.
