Comments on: US Mint Sales: 2022 Limited Silver Set Inches Toward 40,000 CoinNews delivers the latest World and US coin news Wed, 04 Jan 2023 17:01:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dazed and Coinfused Wed, 04 Jan 2023 17:01:56 +0000 In reply to Kaiser Wilhelm.

200 years? That’s funny. These woke, wanna rewrote history to fit their narrative people will remove all history from 1609 until the inauguration of Obama. It’ll be the new dark ages. Caitlin Jenner (ok maybe not jenner since it is a republican) RuPaul, Madea, Wendy Williams, Pete Bootyjudger, Lightfoot will replace the presidents on the currency. They may keep black wall street and add those bankers and business owners to the lineup. It won’t be paper money until later, but the coins will definitely come first. That’s what they really meant when they said hope & change. Yes major d. History was written by the white folk (Yankees mostly) and probably because at the time the other races weren’t educated (their words). Which is probably why we don’t know the names of those Africans from other tribes that raided their village and sold them to the Europeans. Which I think was dumb. I can’t think of what africa was known for at the time, but they weren’t known for farming or building or industry. Maybe diamonds. So they would have been the last choice to bring to America to work farms. Now the Chinese and their rice patty experience, that would have led to a huge boom. But I guess their knowledge of gunpowder made more sense for railroads. Which made no sense either, because they all weren’t good with gunpowder, and gunpowder didn’t do well in the rocky mountains, nitro was used. But I guess anyone can flatten dirt, lay down a tie, and drive a spike. Unless they are an America hating gay female ish basketball player. Only a former soldier can do penal colony work. So says the president that touts his sons service every chance he gets. Even the one kicked out for his drug use. No money for the homeless vets that froze over the Christmas snow storm, but make sure we budget so the homeless illegals can ride out the storm in a luxury hotel room. Yes. That is actually a law. Ain’t Newsome awesome. Can’t wait for the Pablo Escobar, che Guevara, Fidel Castro us mint ase coins to come out as part of their American heroes collection.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Wed, 04 Jan 2023 04:01:03 +0000 In reply to Dazed and Coinfused.

The Treasury replaced Andrew with Michael Jackson on the $20 bill to honor our most talented astronaut being tops at the moonwalk. Keep laying away those pennies; enough out of circulation what’s left will be priceless. Jesus didn’t get to have Christmas because of no evergreens in the desert. Since dreidels spin but don’t roll Vegas had to nix them. A nifty Crackerjacks prize in the Limited Set would have done the trick. By the way, Roosevelt has left the building. These are crazy inflation times; those gold coins went for triple cheeseburgers at McDougals. If 200 year bye bye Washington still passes muster the Queen may reign supreme for decades.

By: Dazed and Coinfused Tue, 03 Jan 2023 15:42:22 +0000 In reply to Kaiser Wilhelm.

I’m hoping to get the new $20 Tubman with Jackson as the name. I think Michael Jackson is on the $20 since I don’t make that kind of cash to have any of my own. That’s why I put pennies on layaway at the bank. But I bet they make so many they’ll never be collectible. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Those other holidays don’t count. Weird thing. You never read about the awesome gifts Jesus got for Christmas (birthday) from his biological father. Another question. If you have 2 dreydles can you shoot em like dice for gambling? I would think with that stick they would be kinda loaded. Can’t believe the limited set still available. Maybe they should have put 2 Morgan’s in it. Still not seeing the appeal of the quarters set. Roosevelt has already been done many times.

The gold coins being returned… hmmm probably some grandfather got it for his grandchild and they used gift receipt to send back so they can buy bitcoin. I also wonder how many years they gonna make a queen Elizabeth commemorative coin. I’ve done seen probably 6 so far. They are gonna drag that queen like they did lady Di. Next one will probably be the coins with Meghan on the back

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Fri, 30 Dec 2022 20:19:54 +0000 In reply to Tom.

I’ve never heard that expression before, Tom, and I like it! 😉

By the time the Harriet Tubman $20 goes into circulation I will either be 83 or worm food, so regardless I will likely be less concerned about it than I am now. Time flies when you’re aging out.

By the way, Tom, is it an additional 5000 Rolls or 5000 Sets that will be made available next year by way of each of the AWQs? Just curious.

By: Tom Thu, 29 Dec 2022 11:36:09 +0000 In reply to Kaiser Wilhelm.

even a blind pig like me can find an acorn. 🙂
By the time the $20 gets released the innovation dollar series will just about be finished, so will you care that much?
as for the quarters, I suspect none will be available for the first few releases. Then there will be a glut on the market because of the additional 5000 rolls available, and people who subscribed for 3 rolls will drop 2 of them and the rolls will then again be available from the mint for the last 1 or 2 releases.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Wed, 28 Dec 2022 23:09:43 +0000 In reply to Major D.

So, Major D; this is some great news! Nothing next year, then these!

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Wed, 28 Dec 2022 23:08:26 +0000 In reply to Tom.

They’re going like hotcakes, Tom. I wonder if this will be the case all the way through the entire AWQ series.

By: Kaiser Wilhelm Wed, 28 Dec 2022 23:06:15 +0000 In reply to Tom.

Thanks for that info and the link, Tom.

By: Major D Wed, 28 Dec 2022 22:30:31 +0000 In reply to Tom.

I found my answer and it’s “yes” to both Harriet Tubman and to the WW II Memorial being commemorative coins in 2024: Harriet Tubman and WWII Memorial Coins for 2024 | CoinNews. Both bills became public law.

By: Tom Wed, 28 Dec 2022 22:25:39 +0000 In reply to Tom.

Kaiser – I just looked, the 3 roll quarter set now down to 295
That is almost 200 sets sold in 5 days, looks like a sellout by the first week of January.
