2020 Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve 5 Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin Launch


Today at noon ET, the United States Mint will introduce its second product of the month, the 2020-P Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin.

2020-P Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin, Sides and Packaging
Uncirculated 2020-P Tallgrass Prairie Five Ounce Silver Coins arrive encapsulated, set inside a protective outer box and include a U.S. Mint Certificate of Authenticity

This 3-inch coin for coin collectors features a reverse (tails side) image emblematic of the national site in Kansas. It will be familiar to many as it also appears on earlier issued Tallgrass Prairie quarters. The quarter and 5-ounce "America the Beautiful" series debuted in 2010 and presents five designs annually with one recognizing a site of national interest in each state, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. Territories. The final design is due next year.

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve was established Nov. 12, 1996 and today protects 10,894 acres of the once vast tallgrass prairie ecosystem. In addition to the natural make-up of the region, the preserve also offers a bison herd and the remains of the Spring Hill/Z-Bar Ranch.

Coin Designs and Specifications

Emily Damstra created the Tallgrass Prairie coin design while Renata Gordon sculpted it. Shown is a skyward view of a Regal Fritillary butterfly against a backdrop of Big Bluestem and Indian grasses. The grasses are native to the region.

CoinNews Photo 2020-S Proof Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Quarter
The Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve quarter for Kansas depicts a skyward view of a Regal Fritillary butterfly against a backdrop of Big Bluestem and Indian grasses. The CoinNews photo above shows a proof version of the quarter released earlier this year. The larger 5-ounce silver coin for release today shows the same design, but in a vapor blast uncirculated finish. It also has a flat or smooth edge compared to the reeded edge found on quarters.

Inscriptions around the scene read "TALLGRASS PRAIRIE," "KANSAS," "2020" and "E PLURIBUS UNUM."

Obverses (heads side) of all America the Beautiful coins share John Flanagan’s portrait of the first President of the United States. The likeness of George Washington has appeared on quarter dollars since 1932, with some digital modifications made for these releases.

Obverse of a 2019-P ATB Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin
This CoinNews photo shows the obverse or heads side of an America the Beautiful Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin held within its protective capsule. The portrait and inscriptions are common across the five-ounce series, and on companion quarters.


2015 Homestead 5 Oz Silver Coin Edges
This CoinNews photo shows the incused edge lettering that is on America the Beautiful Five Ounce Silver Coins

Unlike the reeded edges of quarters, the large silver coins have a smooth edge with inscriptions of "999 FINE SILVER 5.0 OUNCE."

Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin Specifications

Finish: Uncirculated
Denomination: Quarter
Composition: 99.9% Silver
Weight: 5.000 troy oz.
(155.517 grams)
Diameter: 3.000 inches
(76.20 mm)
Edge: Lettered



The U.S. Mint’s product page for silver coins is the place to visit for ordering a 2020-P Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin.

Pricing is $229 with a listed maximum mintage of 13,750.

Five Ounce Silver Bullion Coins

Besides the aforementioned quarter dollars and 5-ounce silver uncirculated coins, the U.S. Mint also produces 5-ounce silver bullion coins bearing the same designs.

The bullion coins have a brilliant finish unlike the vapor blast finish of the uncirculated variety. In addition, they have no mintmark, although they are also made at the Philadelphia Mint, and they are sold through the U.S. Mint’s network of authorized purchasers instead of directly to the public. The Mint reports sales of 45,000 for the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Five Ounce Silver Bullion Coin.

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Thank God!! – Only one more to go to complete the set. I’m running out of room to store them. The price is high now but I remember when they were $289.

Chas. Barber

What a waste of $$$ to buy these, buy the bullion there are no where NO WHERE near 10k collectors of these. Good luck walking into your LCS to sell for more than SPOT, ain’t gonna happen, “wouldn’t be prudent at this Time” Geo. Bush Sr……

Last edited 2 years ago by Chas. Barber

Your mistake was walking into the LCS expecting more than spot who are you a TV star? Lol.

Jeffrey R

The 2021 Tuskegee Airmen issue and its over. YAYYY

Last edited 2 years ago by Jeffrey R
Jim Longacre

Watch, one of the bills in Congress.will pass for a new series. After of course, a brief appearance by the old quarter with the Washington crossing the Delaware reverse design. 2021 will be the year of seven quarters, all with accompanying hockey pucks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jim Longacre

Chas, you’re right but I like the designs of most of them and the details are lost in their quarter counterparts, also IMO nicer than the state quarter designs. The entire set will be quite an impressive collection. Who knows, if/when silver has another run I may be able to recoup my investment, along with some closet space, if I decide to sell.


That sausage is a CryBaby with more tug at your heart stories about why hes been collecting so long David Ryder needs to care about his collection. As for this collection, it is absolutely B E A Utiful… Silver is the poor mans gold and gold is only true way to save your money for tomorrow. Gold follows inflation, everybody who is anybody knows that. I collect and I thank you. If you want to make money start a business! I hope they continue this series if not oh well!


Ordered one on 12/7 – still processing….

Adam L

Hey Mjs…I have a subscription and has been saying processing 12/6 Im not sure if problem with my card. I received an email just now saying they cancelled my order due to lack of inventory and not available for backorder. I just placed my order again since it’s still available. Let my know if you receive a similar email or if it ships.


Will do Adam


Just got an email that it shipped.