On Monday, March 27, the United States Mint will begin shipping 2023 Edith Kanakaʻole quarters to Federal Reserve Banks and their coin terminals for distribution into circulation. The coin is the seventh release from the U.S. Mint’s American Women Quarters™ Program.

Earlier 2022-dated quarters from the four-year series honor Maya Angelou, Dr. Sally Ride, Wilma Mankiller, Nina Otero-Warren and Anna May Wong. Quarters for 2023 celebrate Bessie Coleman, Edith Kanakaʻole, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jovita Idar and Maria Tallchief. (The Bessie Coleman quarter entered circulation on Jan. 3.)
Edith Kanakaʻole "was a renowned practitioner of, and an authority on, modern Hawaiian culture and language," said Mint Director Ventris C. Gibson. She "believed that the oli, or Hawaiian chants, formed the basis of Hawaiian values and history. She learned this art form and performed all the major styles of delivery."
Created by U.S. Mint Artistic Infusion Program (AIP) Designer Emily Damstra and sculpted by U.S. Mint Medallic Artist Renata Gordon, the new quarter’s reverse (tails side) depicts Kanakaʻole’s hair and lei po’o (head lei) morphing into the elements of a Hawaiian landscape, symbolizing her life’s work of preserving the natural land and traditional Hawaiian culture. The design includes the inscription "E hō mai ka ‘ike," which translates as "granting the wisdom," and references the intertwined role hula and chants play in this preservation.
Obverses (heads side) for quarters in the program share a depiction of George Washington. This portrait was sculpted 90 years ago by Laura Gardin Fraser to mark Washington’s 200th birthday.
Quarters for circulation are produced at U.S. Mint production facilities in Philadelphia and Denver.
Also on Monday, the U.S. Mint at https://catalog.usmint.gov/ will offer circulating Edith Kanakaʻole quarters in a two-roll set, a three-roll set, and 100-coin bags at prices ranging from $40 to $60. The three-roll set includes one roll of quarters made at the San Francisco Mint. These quarters are more unique in that, even over time, they will not be found in circulation like those minted in Philadelphia and Denver.
The United State Mint will ship these to the Federal Reserve which will then forward them to the nation’s Banks and finally those of you who are fortunate enough to have accommodating local bankers will hopefully be able to at least acquire single coins or possibly even entire rolls, depending on availability. Good luck and good hunting, everyone!
I doubt will see any in Florida as I’m sure it’ll be considered CRT and DeSantis will ban them from use in the state.
I just love her disembodied head floating above the airspace of Hawai’i.
She is still looking over her native land, the Kingdom of Hawai’i, which the USA took over illegally!
Seth, If we didn’t, then China or Japan would’ve grabbed Hawaii. Do you think that would’ve been a better outcome?
I’m for self-rule of sovereign nations. War is one thing if totally necessary & provoked, but a peaceful land grab from a sovereign nation is undemocratic. We took over the Kingdom Hawai’i like thugs & deposed the Queen & didn’t make reparations to the Native Hawaiians & now we decry Russia taking over the Crimea region of Ukraine & an unjust war there?!
Seth, the US didn’t hostilely invade Hawaii targeting and blowing up residences, schools, hospitals, slaughtering and executing civilians and conducting war crimes as a matter of course- so, while I understand your point (up to a point) it is beyond the pale to equate that to Russia’s war on Ukraine.
They didn’t need to after introducing diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, smallpox, measles, leprosy, and typhoid fever, reducing the native Hawaiian population from between 300,000 and one million to less than 40,000 by 1890.
Well, morgan, those very tactics and more than a little rather enthusiastic military persuasion thrown in for good measure certainly served to clear out what became the contiguous forty-eight States of its indigenous Native American (Indian) population as it originally existed, a people and a culture that had previously called the North American continent home for a good ten thousand years.
I am certainly not comparing a bloody war versus a fairly slow takeover of a minority, sovereign Native population by a wealthy, powerful country – but the hegemony over the Native population of Hawai’i as a country by the U.S. government & wealthy, white businessmen at the time is more than unfortunate. I lived in Japan for 3 years & in Germany for 3 years and I am well aware of warfare in all its forms from history – I just don’t want it repeated. The U.S. government paid reparations to the Japanese-Americans who were put in detention camps here… Read more »
Seth, The world you want would only work if “humans” never existed. Have you ever read the Bible? Nations or Sovereigns never seemed to last that long. Conquer and expand is the one constant that runs through out the history of mankind, or is it personkind now…. I can’t keep up with the verbiage these days. Anyway, I’m blaming the Dole Corporation and not our benevolent government. Peace!
The world seems to have gotten to a place where the boundaries for counties (or recognized political or territorial entities) as they’re currently drawn are the lines that will stay- even if they’re acquired (union) or breakaway (dissolution of union).
Craig, over the course of Western Civilization history going back to 900 B.C., the average duration of time the thirteen Nation Empires have lasted is around 250 years.
Can that be right? Egypt, Greece and China have been around that entire time. That’s got to skew the average.
While it is true that the very rough geographical outlines of the aforementioned historical entities have existed for countless centuries, Major D, the de facto “operating system”, so to speak, of each of these locales has been altered radically innumerable times throughout their development as nation-states.
Major D,
By “operating system” I meant the political, economic, social and religious rules and structures that are in place. Some or all of these can change or be changed either gradually or precipitously in any nation over time due to internal or external influences and powers. The result is a transformation of that country to a degree from just slightly to entirely beyond recognition.
Kaiser, “a rose by any other name is still a rose”.
So the USA’s time is up in 2026??
Good Sir Rich, it appears our nation’s fortunes may be ready to run out of their share of the historically-allotted lucky streak.
The U.S. government fully supported & backed the Dole Company in its strong-arm tactics in the Kingdom of Hawai’i.
We even struck coins for the Kingdom of Hawai’i in silver at the San Francisco Mint – 1883 (S) dimes, quarters, half dollars & dollars, profiting from the venture, & then when we overtook the country in basically a bloodless coup, we demonitized all those silver coins so the Natives were left with very little (just the miniscule silver intrinsic value at the time).
Seth, You stated earlier that you lived in Japan for 3 years. Were you in the military or was it for your professional life? I have to say I wish I’d had the opportunity to live there for awhile as it’s such a cultural destination. One of my friends is an expert in Bonsai, and he was able to spend time in Japan studying under a Bonsai Master. If you were to see his collection of Bonsai plants, you’d know it was time well invested.
Remember the line, Seth, from Phil Ochs’ unforgettable song “I Ain’t Marching Anymore”, to wit, “United Fruit screams at the Cuban” shore”. I wonder how many people ever realized how heavy-handed American fruit companies could be? By the way, I worked at Chiquita Banana headquarters for nine years, so I might just know a little something about those goings on.
Kaiser, “Yes, we have no bananas!” And, was Carmen Miranda a shill for the big fruit companies with her basket of fruit headdress?? It is amazing, like you refer to, how much big business has over time messed with the internal politics of nation states. The Coca-Cola Corp., for example, has been especially active on the Continent of Africa, where bribes are commonplace like in many countries & is actually counted as an expense in some companies annual budgets! Supposedly such business bribes, just as personal bribes, are illegal in the USA. Anyway, I saw a news story about this… Read more »
It’s good to know that bribery is illegal in the United States, Seth. I suppose someone just forgot to tell the lobbyists in Washington.
Those kind of legal “bribes” are called campaign donations! It’s really just semantics…a sad situation for sure.
I’m guessing, Seth, that wherever bribes are institutionalized they are called anything but what they in point of fact are.
Is that where Mezack gets all of those “rare” bottle cap coins that he has on HSN?
Yes…Lol. He is vermin & should have a “cap” busted up his arse for ripping off the elderly & unknowledgeable people with his common coins/medals etc. that you can get cheaper from almost any of the approximately 6,000 coin dealers in the USA.
Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)!
Mike Mezack is the numismatic Devil…Sad!
Unfortunately, wherever we find the devil, Seth and Craig, his evil brother is sure to be lurking in the shadows. In the case of coin sales the even more detestable kin is the site called “etsy” where severely damaged coins obviously picked up off the street are regularly being sold as multi-thousand dollar rarities, I kid you not.
That reminds me of the 1998 comedy movie “The Waterboy” starring Adam Sandler as the son of Actress Kathy Bates’ character & she controls him with guilt basically to be a momma’s boy. So, she calls everybody else & every thing else “The Devil,” including his only ever girlfriend – “She’s the Devil, Bobby Boucher!”
And, the laugh out loud scene where his new & only girlfriend in his 30-something year old life shows him her tits & he says, “I want to thank you for that…I’ve never seen anything like that before.” LOL.
It’s one thing to offer crap for sale, it’s quite another to actually sell (which never happens).
and now under 30,000 Morgan uncirculated available. by my tracking over 37,000 have “sold” – or been subscribed in the last 6 days.
I added to my subscription.
As quite likely did Caffeine Mike “My Coins Are Always All 70’s” Mezack.
Kaiser, I added 1 of each item to my subscription on the unlikely assumption that they become “unavailable” very soon. The likelihood that I actually order all of my subscriptions…well that’s to be determined. Concerning Caffeine Mike, I’ll be curious to see his markup for his rare 70’s!
At 249 for his current 2023 ase w ms 70 or x I would say he puts his Morgan’s for sale at 299 to 350. If mint person signed or his premier or limited edition they’ll go for 500 to 600. As for boundary lines. Everyone wants their spot in history. Dynasties came and went, or went unresolved for thousands of years. It is called spreading yourself too thin. Sure Rome introduced aqueducts and roads and taxes and coins. And the Greek sought to spread knowledge. But Alexander no longer lives, khan, no longer lives, Cesar, cleopatra, Hannibal, Wallace, inquisition,… Read more »
And don’t forget, you are reading the history from the side of the victors. I don’t think Egypt ever posted a scene of a losing battle. They’ll embellish and say that 300 took on thousands. Brave. Bold. Daring. Heroic even. But, they lost. We still don’t have Greek fire because the victors kept it a secret. We still can’t replicate samurai and ninja swords and get their cutting edge on modern blades. Why, the victors kept it secret. Until they encountered muskets and pistols. Then swords were no use really so the tech was lost. So maybe history keeps repeating… Read more »
One imperative revision, Dazed and Coinfused. Russia was our ally out of mutual necessity at the beginning of WWII and our enemy by both our and their choice at the end of WWII.
Of course, as we have previously defined the concept of “history”, that is the unique way the Western Allies look at what transpired.
Dazed and Confused, You provide a lot of useful information to digest! I’ve been concerned about the trend we are on for some time and especially over the last few years. I don’t like to dwell on our state of affairs because it is depressing and I like to keep an optimistic state of mind. But when Pa. can reelect a dead politician (Rep. Tony DeLuca), that task gets harder and harder. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated!
That, as you say, Dazed and Coinfused, is indeed the crux of the literature and/or oral tradition known as “history”, that it is always the one as written or spoken by the prevailing powers, authorities and/or other such entities in charge or command.
Last I checked, we have 800 bases in 100 countries. Impressive.
I kicked my subscription up from 1 to 2, whether I keep it that way is to be seen
just looked and the Peace Proofs show as 77304 remaining, which indicates 30,000 or so suddenly were ‘subscribed’? I will be curious on that one!
I did the same, Craig, and with the same proviso also; synchronicity rules!
Indeed it does, Kaiser!
I saw Magnificent Mike hawking his Advance Release, sold out at the Mint 2023 PRF ASE today. He claims the Mint charges him a huge premium for advance release coins.
Does anyone know what the Mint actually charges dealers for ASE through the Advance Release program?
Roger, through the Advance Releases program, the dealers are able to place advance orders for the Proof American Silver Eagles and they are required to pay a 5% premium above the $80 per coin retail price from the Mint (plus costs of picking up the coins in Memphis, Tennessee).
Thanks. So a massive $4 premium. I guess flying to Memphis on his private jet to pick them up explains the rest of his $275 markup.
Before the people-smuggling “coyotes” turn their trucks back south of the border they manage to take care of their big fuel expenses by handling all of Caffeine Mike’s Advance Release pickups from the Mint.
CPS – Coyote Parcel Service.
I wish the coyotes would take Mike Mezack south of the border…
He carpools with Romney, ya know, for mudder urf
It’s not nice to fool mudder urf.
I am not aware of anything that could be construed to be a “huge” premium being charged by the Mint in that specific regard, Roger.