The United States Mint this week unveiled design information and images for its 99.9% fine U.S. Coast Guard 2.5 Ounce Silver Medal which will feature a diameter of 2 inches.

Scheduled to launch Aug. 16, the product is the second of five from the U.S. Mint’s Armed Forces Silver Medal Program. The first medal honors the Air Force. It will be available July 13. Forthcoming medals will celebrate the Navy, Marine Corps and Army. The Mint will also later issue bronze versions as well as smaller 1-ounce silver editions.
Medal Designs
The selected obverse (heads side) and reverse (tails side) designs were recommended by the CCAC and CFA after reviewing 18 candidate designs.
Created by Richard Masters and sculpted by Michael Gaudioso, the medal’s obverse design depicts a Coast Guard national security cutter at full throttle, speeding head-on toward the viewer.

Inscribed around the upper border are "U.S. COAST GUARD" and the Coast Guard motto "SEMPER PARATUS" (always ready). The hull number identifies the cutter Hamilton, named for Alexander Hamilton.
Created by Thomas Hipschen and sculpted by Renata Gordon, the medal’s reverse design depicts two iconic symbols of the Coast Guard — a life preserver ring and the racing stripe mark, which is found on almost all Coast Guard craft.

The racing stripes are depicted with a heraldic hatching tradition to indicate color, with horizontal lines indicating the color blue and vertical lines indicating red. The Coast Guard emblem, which is part of the racing stripe mark, is also in the center. Inscribed into the life preserver ring are the Coast Guard’s core values "HONOR," "RESPECT," and "DEVOTION TO DUTY."
No more than 10,000 will be minted and initial orders will be limited to 1 medal per household.
Priced at $160, the product will be available Aug. 16 from the Mint’s online catalog of silver medals.
So dealers get the first chance mint now his this on enrollment.
Purchasers of the American Eagle 2021 One Ounce Silver Coins (21EAN, 21EMN, 21EGN), please note: Demand for this product is extremely high. In order to accommodate as many customers as possible, we are unable to accept increases to enrollment orders for this product.
Wonder why I stopped collecting THE US MINT IS THE REASON. You’ll see these graded and on sale the day after release by certain dealers.
I had my enrollment all set to 3, like how many weeks ago? Billy you could have been enrolling weeks ago buddy, this program isn’t new. Like KW and I mentioned, all products should have enrollments to give us collectors a feeling that we are guaranteed to purchase one as a collector, just as the big flippers seem guaranteed to get one for resale, with countless tiers of mark ups and mark downs.
I just signed in to my account for the US Mint. I went to my product Enrollment -clicked on the ASE Silver proof (W) and this was added to the item “NEXT: PRES CASE ASE SILVER PROOF 1OZ – NEW DESIGN”. Maybe the enrollment are going to be honored after all. My suggestion is – log into your account and check it out. This looks encouraging!
Just got an email from
The Minti verifing my Payment method for 2 ASE’s,. Looks kile The enrollments are good to go.
I think this medal looks great, I really like it. Both sides look good. I wouldn’t put it past the mint to change the release date, its been so much fun already, why stop now lol.
Hey Kaiser thats a killer coin for sure,and as far as the art goes i’m more of a Van Gogh Cafe Terrace At Night. Of course with a little Pinot Noir
This coin is truly a great looking coin. It is refreshing when all members of a service are honored. The USAF coin only represents the pilots and academy grads. I’m a retired USAF Officer and feel that this an opportunity missed, not honoring all members of the USAF. I
im waiting for the Marine Corps and Army medals. when will they be released?
Look at Pinehurst Coins, they have 5 pages of 2021 proof ASE on pre sale. Hundreds of different labels and styles. Wonder how many thousands they will get. And the average joe will be lucky to get 3. What’s wrong with that picture.
i cant wait as well. i served in the USMC from 85-89 and Army reserve from 1990-2019 and hope they both look as least as good as the coast guard medal.
Thank you for serving
You are correct, sir. I can state with a fair amount of certainty that the U.S. Mint will strike these silver medals for only five branches of the U.S. Armed Forces: the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, and, of course, the Coast Guard.
Here is the line art for the designs that both the CFA and CCAC reviewed back in late 2018. Note the slight change in orientation to the Legend-class cutter, the Hamilton. The design shows it at a slight tilt, but on the medal it appears almost perfectly vertical. I wonder how that happened?
Good eye Dick
KW, I spoke with the designer of the obverse of this medal and he concurs with your observation. The image of the medal must have been inadvertently rotated when the page was created on the Mint’s online catalog. Being the only available image of the medal at this time, it stands to reason that downloaded a copy it for this article. My guess is the medal’s erroneous position occurred because of a lack of a convenient horizontal or vertical line of reference in the design. However, upon close examination of the designer’s initials – RaM – at eight o’clock, it… Read more »
Good intel! Thanks you two
so wait they have enough silver planchets to make these but there is a shortage of the ones for the morgan and peace dollars?