The U.S. Mint is looking to add more talent to their team of artists who design coins and medals. On Monday, Jan. 9, the Mint announced a call for professionals to join their Artistic Infusion Program (AIP).
The AIP contracts artists to work with Mint staff during the design stage of producing United States coins and medals. AIP artists’ designs and their initials are found on many coins and medals. As summarized by the U.S. Mint, AIP artists are:
- Paid a set fee per assignment and earn a bonus fee of $5,000 per design selected for minting
- Named as designer in historical documents, Certificates of Authenticity and promotional materials, and in most cases, have their initials appear on the final coin or medal
- Able to work from their own studios
- A citizen of the United States
- At least 18 years old at the time of application submission
- A professional artist with work either published, produced, or exhibited in any design-driven media such as illustration, graphic design, animation, concept art, comics, collectibles, poster art, street art, tattoo art, or any other outlets where design integrity is at a premium
The Mint’s announcement follows.
United States Mint Announces Call for Artists
Artistic Infusion Program Invites Artists to Design Nation’s Coins and Medals
The United States Mint (Mint) is pleased to announce a call for artists to participate in its Artistic Infusion Program (AIP). Established in 2003, the Mint AIP contracts with talented, professional American artists who represent diverse backgrounds and a variety of interests. The AIP was specifically designed with the objective of enriching and invigorating the designs of United States coins and medals. The program meets that goal by developing a pool of talented external artists who are prepared to work closely with the Mint’s staff, including the United States Mint Chief Engraver and Medallic Artists, to create and submit new designs for selected coin and medal programs throughout the year. Interested artists are highly encouraged to submit applications for consideration.
AIP artists’ designs are found on many coins and medals. In most cases, the artist’s initials appear on the final coins or medals, along with the initials of the Mint Medallic Artist who sculpted the selected designs. Artist information is included in historical documents, Certificates of Authenticity, and promotional materials.
Artists who join the AIP work under a task order contract from their own studios, providing candidate designs in the form of finished drawings. Under current AIP provisions, artists are paid $2,000 to $3,000 per assignment. In addition, artists receive a $5,000 bonus for every design selected for use on a coin or medal.
The Mint will be accepting applications for the program beginning January 23, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time (ET). Applicants must fill out an application form and submit five to ten images of work from their portfolio. Following Evaluation Phase One, the Mint may invite selected participants to join the AIP without further evaluation. Those applicants selected for further evaluation will be invited to Evaluation Phase Two, which will require the submission of a resume or CV, a web link to their online portfolio, and the development and submission of a demonstration design for which each selected artist will be paid a fee of $1,500.
The Mint is especially interested in artists who will bring innovative perspectives and utilize symbolism in their work to clearly and evocatively convey subjects and themes. From portraits and landscapes to depictions of notable achievements in American history, coin and medal designs require rendering a range of subjects and themes on a small space.
To serve as an AIP Designer, a candidate must be:
To be considered, artists must register online at www.usmint.gov/callforartists and submit their application, including images, by March 3, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time (ET).
About the United States Mint
The United States Mint was created by Congress in 1792 and became part of the Department of the Treasury in 1873. It is the Nation’s sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce. The United States Mint also produces numismatic products, including proof, uncirculated, and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver and gold bullion coins. Its numismatic programs are self-sustaining and operate at no cost to taxpayers.
It’s clear that no one is going to get rich doing this kind of work for the U.S. Mint, but it seems that it would certainly provide some rather valuable experience and offer a really innovative and unusual way to get one’s name “out there” (and one’s initials on the coin) in the world of artistic design.
If I were but an artist, but sticks figures don’t cut it, so suffice it to say I’m out of the game.
Unless, and I admit this might be a bit on the off chance, the Mint wished to include the inventor of stick figures in a new series honoring ultra-minimalist art forms.
God, that’s funny. I nominate for the series a colorized dollar honoring finger painting.
Better yet. Put Lori Lightfoot on the dollar bill finger painting a full color rainbow. I mean what represents America more than that? Except that basketball player that hates America that was in jail in Russia. Maybe biden will release El chapo for that lady that joined IsIs. And wants to come back to America with her jihad baby. She can go on the $2 bill.
REB, you just at the very least matched if not indeed easily surpassed my own suggestion; what a fabulous notion. Kudos, my friend!
Or purpled.
It looks like you’re the one that’s getting all the popular acclaim.
Sorry about the fists. I don’t know how naysayers slipped in there.
I still think it would be great idea to have a few retro coins every year….Gobrecht etc. Probably the only way some of those coin designs will ever get into our hands….maybe in a silver half dollar line.
There’s a series of commemorative coins with those figures on them, i.e., seated liberty, eagle, etc.
If ever there was a coin that would be perfect for a “resurrection” it would be the Walking Liberty Half Dollar. In my utterly humble and obviously personal opinion that is doubtless the finest looking coin the United States Mint has ever produced.
Its Adolf Weinman design has adorned the obverse of every American Silver Eagle coin since 1986–I’d say that’s been a “resurrection”.
I understand that, Major D, but what I was more specifically referring to was for the Mint to produce a current day run of whatever varieties it had the inclination, time and resources for of the Liberty Walking Half Dollar much as it is now in the process of doing for the Morgan and Peace Dollars.
But to bring back the Walking Liberty Half Dollar now would kind of look like doing a mini-ASE. I’d rather have the larger dollar version, much like I prefer the 2.5 oz armed forces medal to the 1 oz version.
I prefer to think of the Mint producing a complete set of Walking Liberty silver Half Dollars more as an extension of the overall Walking Liberty series. After all, the ASEs already come out like clockwork year after year; how bad could it be to bring some fresh ideas to that routine with a little something rather different?
2016 was a good year for bringing back past designs. This was one of them.
That is an absolutely splendiferous gem, Rooster. Thanks for the reminder!
That’s a big “go” for me, Domenic Vaiasicca, for the Mint to do a Walking Liberty 99.9 silver Half Dollar series; I would without a doubt pick up every single one of them.
Exactly…..and more affordable. I just think there would be a market for a half dollar series of one design a year of previous coin designs ….be it from any denomination….in silver half dollar form. What a great series it would be to introduce young collectors to the history of american coinage.
That’s a sensational idea, Domenic. Now if we can just get the Mint on board. Not that this should be a problem since they are always so ready and willing to listen to our ideas and suggestions and to act upon them without delay or fail. Ah, the waking dream life of a collector is so blissful.
US Mint must embrace patriotism or forget this minting business.
???? All those flags, eagles, war emblems, presidents, symbols of independence, “Liberty”, “E Pluribus Unum”, and “In God We Trust” not enough for you?
I’ve been trying to mind my p’s and q’s in avoiding the temptation to respond to some of these extraneous “drive by” commentaries, but that doesn’t mean I can’t applaud you, Major D, for taking up the banner and being willing to give it a go.
In fairness there is no Patrick Henry liberty or death coin. No tripoint hat coins. Paul revere (way weird since he was known for silver) the Boston massacre victims, Boston tea party coin. Rosie the riveter , Memphis Belle, coin. Or even Mel Gibson. Patriot is subjective. E pluribus unum is Latin, what do that have to do with patriotism?
To be fair, I guess if you do the January 6th patriot coin ya probably should do the blm rioters, I mean peaceful protesters on the other side. Won’t designate obverse or reverse as that could be prejudicial.
Oh look, Half-Cent is back. In your parlance, “E PLURIBUS UNUM” mean “Out of many, one”. Our creation (and strength) as a country is from joining together. But then, you’re all about division so I’m not surprised that it doesn’t register with you as patriotic.
How about that. You suggested the January 6 Patriot Coin, Dazed and Coinfused, and now here we have a united Congress bestowing the Congressional Gold Medal on the Capitol and D.C. Police who did their utmost patriotic best to push back a mob of dangerous insurrectionists. What a great call on your part!
Uh … <cough> … I have a hunch that’s NOT the type of “Patriot” he was thinking of for that day. Would be interesting to note the date on the coin: 2020-2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2928, 2029, 2030 …
Oh, I have the feeling you know I was well aware of that, REB. By the way, did you know that the word patriot, if all you do is switch the “p” for another “r”, is an anagram for traitor, which is what the rabble that invaded the Capitol Building all were. As far the series of dates you listed, are you predicting successive repeats of that kind of domestic terrorism from here on out?
Anagrams can sometimes be instructive. If such a patriot/traitor coin were ever minted, it likely would be the last of this republic and the first of a decent into hell. The executive who signed the legislation would likely oversee all future designs for the series until his death. At that time a son or daughter of the executive’s choosing would assume such responsibilities. Coins would be required to have the following inscriptions: “In Our God You Believe”, “6MWE”, “Blood and Soil” and “You Will Not Replace Us!” The obverse would have a rendering of the dear leader and the reverse… Read more »
It goes without saying that the San Francisco Mint would be shuttered and moved to Mississippi. Farewell Adolph Alexander Weinman. Imagine the fabulous new designs from the mind of George Anthony Devolder Kitara Ravache Zabrovsky Santos!
It’s possible the San Francisco Mint’s next place of operation might be as an attachment to a notorious enclave in Florida, Mar-a-Loco.
And the scariest thing about that scenario, REB, is that North Korea, China and Russia have already brought that reality to bear.
Your way is better Kaiser. It’s really not worth the time playing a game of whack-a-mole against a half-wit or a half-cent- but every now and then….
My only thought…