In preparation for its March 6 release, the United States Mint published images and product information for the U.S. Army 2.5 Ounce Silver Medal — the fifth of six issues from their Armed Forces Silver Medals Program.

Earlier released 2.5-ounce program medals include those celebrating the Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard and Air Force. The last one, honoring the Space Force, has yet to be scheduled.
As described by the Mint, medal obverses (heads side) depict Continental and modern soldiers "at the ready" with the weapons of their respective eras. They represent the continuity of the U.S. Army since its beginnings and its continuing mission to defend our country. Inscriptions include "UNITED STATES ARMY," and "SINCE 1775."

Also as described by the Mint, the medal’s reverse (tails side) juxtaposes the seven core values of the Army against the U.S. Army flag, with both the flag and its streamers lifted by a breeze. The streamers from several major battles have visible text, including APPOMATTOX 1865, LEXINGTON 1775, ABEYANCE 2014 – 2015, TET COUNTEROFFENSIVE 1968, and LUZON 1944 – 1945.

Reverse inscriptions are the Army’s core values — "LOYALTY," "DUTY," "RESPECT," "SELFLESS SERVICE," "HONOR," "INTEGRITY," and "PERSONAL COURAGE."
Recently increased, the medal’s price will be $175. Its mintage is 10,000 pieces like past issues — all of which sold out.
One-ounce silver and bronze versions of the Army medal will also be available. To date, 1-ounce Coast Guard and 1-ounce Air Force silver medals have been released, as has an Air Force bronze medal. These versions have no mintage limits.
The U.S. Mint’s product page for the Army Silver Medal is found here.
I have the other 4 military medals, might as well get this one too.
It’s a nice looking medal.
Indeed it is, Antonio, and I will admit it is making me start to waver in my personal non-medal-collecting stance.
Fortunately, the list price for this just gave me the reality check I needed.
No price is too high to thank a serviceman. I mean twice a year you can see the pain on people’s faces as they try to crack a smile to say happy veterans day, or happy memorial day (why happy? People died) No profits from these medals will go to vets. They can drop $1.5 mill to down 3 Walmart balloons and not batt an eye. To put that in perspective, that’ll cover 40 years of 100% disability payments for a vet. adjust for inflation etc and maybe down to 38. Not bad for 35 seconds worth of firefights. Looking… Read more »
We as a nation ought to be eternally grateful to our brave servicemen and women for the sacrifices they made, most dramatically so in the especially horrific battles of WWII; their selfless actions are simply immeasurable. On the other hand, the fate of this series of military medals has no bearing on or connection to any honor our heroes so richly deserve, since it is only a lasting place in the mind and above all in the heart that can truly serve as the unfailing witness of any such tribute.
Just messing with ya. It’s just fun to see how awkward people get on those two days. I didn’t sign up for the kudos. Sometimes I’m sad that I came back. Maybe not as sad as major d, buy still sad. Maybe not sad so much as disappointed. Like Toby Keith said, I don’t do it for the money or the glory I just do it anyway. Thank you for the kind words and support, but it’s the younger generation that turns the other cheek. The ones that say they aren’t joining because of racism, and the whole don’t want… Read more »
I try to imagine, Dazed and Coinfused, what it must have been like on D-Day to know that when you hit the beach all the life you had planned ahead for yourself could easily be erased in a second.
No need to thank me for anything, it is you we have to thank for your service. While it may sound trite I don’t see it that way.
When people thank me for my service, I defer. I prefer to think that people who served during combat, WWII, Korea, Vietnam et al, are the ones who should be thanked. I was only doing my job as I saw to do it. Besides, I wanted to shoot commies, which I never got to do. Only targets down range.
While you do make a good point, Antonio, I think you might be selling yourself short. Regardless of what type of service you were called upon to perform, there was always the lurking possibility of you ending up in a war zone.
No, we hoped. Took a C-130 one day, weren’t told where we were going, flew around for a few hours, ended up at a training site. Closest I got to a “war zone”. The next one was the Gulf War but my military time was long completed by then.
I had the occasion in 1966, after an abbreviated flight from McGuire AFB, New Jersey, left me stranded at RAF Mildenhall, England, to hitch (literally so, and forever thanks to that pilot) a ride on a C-47 to Wiesbaden AFB, West Germany. My only “combat” in regard to that unforgettable flight was with the worst case of airsickness I’ve ever experienced in my life.
After being helplessly stuck there for three days, this was a wonderful sight indeed regardless of the canvas netting “seats”.
Now that is what I call a serious medal collector. Good for you, East Coast Guru; that is a really great selection of medals!
Thanks Kaiser!! These seem to appreciate better than the ASE or AGE’s. I read somewhere that the last one (#6) will be a Space Force branch of the military. Didn’t know we had that branch. Maybe next year or …never. Can’t imagine what they would use for the image on the reverse. A Klingon ship fighting the Enterprise could be intriguing.
Here is the logo.
Geez, I wonder where the military got the idea for that?
Oh oh, the original Space Fleet Officers don’t look too thrilled…
ECG & Kaiser, an Air Force command in the 1950s used the delta reference in the late 1950s so I guess Star Trek got their logo from that service. The medal is nice. Surprised the most important and revered Army battle is not on the medal: Yorktown. It is the battle streamer highlighted the most during official Army occasions since it was the battle that essentially ended the Revolutionary War leading the USA becoming an independent country. I will hold off purchasing this medal and buy the 1oz version. Only picked up the Navy 2.5oz since that was my branch… Read more »
I didn’t know about that 1950’s Air Force delta image, Chris Terp. The question now becomes whether the Space Force based its logo directly on the original Air Force model or took it from the later Star Trek version of that instead.
Anyway, once we get around to fielding the Deep Dark Alien Space Commandos, they’ll want to emulate this patch…
You’re quite welcome, East Coast Guru; my pleasure! While I can understand the interest in and price appreciation of the Armed Forces Medals up to and including this latest one, I find it somewhat difficult to believe that a “Space Force Medal” would be able to generate the same kind of enthusiasm, but we’ll see as I’ve only been wrong a thousand times before.
Kaiser, Space Force medal will be the first item minted for that service by the US Mint. That alone will create a value for the Space Force medal.
I’m somewhat confused about this, Chris. The sales numbers for each of the previously released Military Medals has appeared to depend primarily on the popularity of the branch of the Military which they represent. However, the brand new Space Force has no such loyal constituency, so will the demand level for this last of the Military Medals’ sales therefore be based on a different source of interest?
To infinity and beyond!
I would think it’d be for people wanting full set. People in the space farce. People that want the first medal made. Blind trump supporters wanting to worship his creation. Or patriots like the ones after 9/11, but this time signing up to kill the aliens flying those high altitude objects. Please nobody post a will Smith/ independence day pic. But I’m sure someone will slap one up. Did anyone else notice that the Oscar now looks like Jada picket, or has he always been bald. And flippers. But I can’t weigh in on caffeine mike as I don’t think… Read more »
I don’t know how I ever missed this exceedingly imaginative post of yours, Dazed and Coinfused; there’s some really good stuff here. For example, the “blind Trump supporters” who would love the Space Force Medal without being able to see it. High altitude object(s)-destroying Flying [Elvis?] Patriots. Will Smith slapping the frack out of whomever he feels like, especially if he’s a bit dyspeptic that day. Bald Oscar Award versus Jada The Hutt. And as for those flippers…coin, beach or dolphin? Prejudiced Caffeine Mike The Medal Ignorer; for shame. Earth Core Spin-Reversing Terrorists, being hunted down by the all new… Read more »
Definitely finish off the set an congratulations on being the proud owner of a cool looking Armed Forces themed, 2 1/2 oz sized silver medal set! I managed to pick up a set of the 2018 WW1 themed silver medals that included the poorly received WW1 commemorative silver $1. Really liked the medals, so was forced to buy silver $1’s I didn’t want. Now that I think of it, kind of crazy actually? I look at the silver $1’s in the 2018 sets as being worth spot. Subtract $20-25 from the issue price and we’re at $70-75 bucks per medal.… Read more »
It’s too bad Deep Space Nine no longer exists, because if it did you know the Ferengi would give Red Oak Mike the fight of his life for the Space Force Medal!
I am with you East Coast Guru. Disappointed in this medal so going to “shoot” for one.
Might pass on it. Never saw any soldier with hair like dragon scales. Can’t be a male as it would totally not be within regs for haircut. Gonna sleep on this woke medal. We also don’t use the m16 as pictured except in basic training. Should be an m4.
Has an m4 like collapseable stock, but m16 front grip, not picatinny rail system. Upper receiver could be either, not really detailed to see. Something looks off. Probably soft pouch on the side that looks like canteen, and not a camel back hydration bag
Now you’ve got me going and my eyes are just “looking” for the questionable. I’m not a fan of the numbers/font(?)/type used on 1775. It just looks off to me for some reason? Thanks Dazed!
Also perhaps now I’m getting my eyes crossed? The left arm sleeve under the gun above CAC, appears off? What’s with all the folds or pulled up sleeve with folds. Anatomically on left arm of modern soldier, the distance from shoulder to elbow/elbow pad to wrist looks weird to me especially with bunched up or folded/folds in sleeve?
By scale, the left arm is farther away but about the same or longer from elbow to hand. Would be 3 or 4 inch longer arm in real life if accounting for distance and adding in the length hidden by the rifle for the palm and wrist and angle. Pad directly on elbow like self stick, not padded sleeve with velcro. And the sling is ridiculously long. Must have lost hers and substituted a Stryker tow strap. The more I see it, the more ate up it looks.
I see what you mean, Caliskier; that part of the inscription gives the rest of the obverse the look of a storefront sign for a Guns & Ammo shop.
LOL, thanks Dazed and Coinfused! I had to do a triple/Quadruple take on the Dragon scale hair. LOL I had actually thought and had been viewing as a full or longer helmet with jungle netting.Then you mention canteen Vs “hydration” pack system and I’m now wondering why they went with an actual right handed shooting soldier? Seems like the US Mint is fond of lefty’s even on bolt action. LOL Overall I like the medal however your comment is going to take a bit to wear off. Haha Since the 2 1/2” sized planchet should allow for more detail, too… Read more »
After further looking. I realized she isn’t wearing body armor. Nowhere would she ever have her weapon at high ready with a mag loaded. I also see her blouse/top is detailed with wrinkles but her bottoms are rather plain. Also now the woke part of it makes sense. The pants are below her butt showing her underwear. Which is official peaceful protestor uniform. After looking closer, I can’t tell if that is a camel back or folds of her top, or part of the colonial uniform. Definitely not one of my soldiers going out looking like a soup sandwich all… Read more »
I think besides the dragon scale hair the head pulls a lot of bad vibes. The ear looks disproportionate for some reason, too low and small. The strap looks right as it was uncomfortable going under ear but ear usually went under the Kevlar. Another ear no no is she isn’t wearing ear pro. No way she’ll be able to sue 3m for hearing loss and tinnitus. And also the arms of her eye pro do not rest on her ears. But I guess it isn’t a direct translation as if it was real, most likely she would be in… Read more »
Just a guess, but the modern soldier could be from Delta Force or similar elite unit that makes a practice of “going native” when they’re deployed for extended periods.
And then there were those, including one of my friends (who did manage to survive), who were deployed “invisibly” so their appearance hardly mattered.
It’s an error. This we’ll defend.
Weird the motto isn’t listed, but the mantra is, so I guess that is okay. Not much detail in the logo. But. If you look on the bottom, I believe that’s supposed to spell United. I can’t think why, because we weren’t the United States yet, we were still colonies. But set aside that fact, it looks to me like united is spelled wrong. Looks like U N I T D E and the ribbon seems pretty straight to me.
I’ve looked at that several ways, cockeyed and otherwise, and I’m finding it very difficult to read anything but UNITDE where it should say UNITED. What’s going on there?
At Kaise Wilhelm and Dazed and Coinfused, another “beyond glaring”example of the capabilities currently, of our US Mint. Very appropriate JPEG, however I’m wondering if you saw another with something, more along the lines of “Not Good Enough” and something to the affect of “Substandardocrates”? LOL
“Concern Thyself Only With Low-Hanging Fruit”
The low hanging fruit must be the ripest and therefore what makes a “Fig Newton”, so sugary, chewy, and delicious IMO!
Here’s a modern day namesake who will surely swear to that…
Wow, I’m beyond impressed Kaiser Wilhelm, with your unending abilities to pull up images that tell a “whole story” all and in of themselves! Nice work!
For any wanting to know more about General Lloyd “Fig” Newton.
Thank you so much, Caliskier; how very kind of you to say that! In this instance it was very much a shot in the dark when I entered “fig newton coin” as my search term, but lo and behold, the medal appeared right before my truly surprised eyes.
Many thanks for the link to the very interesting General Newton bio; talk about having a dream and seeing it through to the peak of personal achievement and professional success!
Perhaps, had the US Mint seen this, they’d have been ok?
What’s “MANCHESTER UDIETN” have to do with anything but weightloss?
LOL, Kaiser, you got me good! When I just read what you wrote, I immediately scrolled up thinking I’d posted a meme with a typo and was initially shocked! LOL Too funny!
I never doubted for a second that you would get it. We’ve had more than enough sufficiently convoluted conversations for me to know with certainty that there’s no moss growing on you, Caliskier!
If space force is so good, why didn’t they shoot down the balloon. Guess they were waiting for a Chinese satellite to fall apart and crash into. Which I guess statistically is a strong possibility. I wouldn’t be surprised if starlink is used to nudge other satellites out of orbit or cause just enough damage by an accidental collision to disrupt bad actors. Never got into star trek. Star wars I’ve seen but not all that impressed. Oddly I did like orville. But it lost some luster recently. Much rather see James Webb footage, or how the universe works, or… Read more »
I saw C/2022 E3 (ZTF), the Green Comet, a couple times last week before this crappy weather set in. The comet was impressive to view, but you wouldn’t see any color hues looking at it through a telescope. To get a green image you would have to use time lapse photography with your scope.Maybe the next time it visits us we’ll have clearer skies…in 50,000 years!
In 50,000 years, Craig, we’ll either just be a faint memory as a species or eminently capable of riding the Green comet as if it were a Dune Sandworm.
And the slabs will outlast everything like flies in amber.
Evolutionarily enhanced cockroaches will be bidding at amber auctions.
This we’ll defend.
Army colors.
So which one is misspelled, the Medal or the Flag? Wonder if a letter to the US Mint or Ventris Gibson, could possibly clear up this mess?? ? What do you all think?
Why don’t you think, the US Mint could give us a legitimate answer? Weird?
Only way we’ll know for sure, is if they delay delivery/sales of these 2 1/2” Army Silver medals?
Perhaps, how Judge Judy feels about spelling at the US Mint
The only thing I’m even halfway sure about is what it looks like.
I wouldn’t say a word til they stamp em.
My dad’s shoulder patch, United States Austrian Occupation Force – Vienna, Soviet Occupation Zone, Austria 1945-1955.
It takes a lot of time and effort to decide how many chevrons versus rocker bars are going to appear on each Space Force rank arm patch. Balloons will just have to wait.
No paratroopers or combat soldiers.. give me a break, this medal does not represent the modern day Army.. Nothing more than a WOKE medal. This one ruin the set.